/* $NetBSD: parse.c,v 1.18 2013/07/17 15:42:03 christos Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2008 David Young. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: parse.c,v 1.18 2013/07/17 15:42:03 christos Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "env.h" #include "parse.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef DEBUG #define dbg_warnx(__fmt, ...) warnx(__fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define dbg_warnx(__fmt, ...) /* empty */ #endif static int parser_default_init(struct parser *); static int pbranch_init(struct parser *); static int pkw_init(struct parser *); static int pterm_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); static int paddr_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); static int pbranch_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); static int piface_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); static int pstr_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); static int pinteger_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); static int pkw_match(const struct parser *, const struct match *, struct match *, int, const char *); const struct parser_methods pterm_methods = { .pm_match = pterm_match , .pm_init = NULL }; const struct parser_methods pstr_methods = { .pm_match = pstr_match , .pm_init = parser_default_init }; const struct parser_methods pinteger_methods = { .pm_match = pinteger_match , .pm_init = parser_default_init }; const struct parser_methods paddr_methods = { .pm_match = paddr_match , .pm_init = parser_default_init }; const struct parser_methods piface_methods = { .pm_match = piface_match , .pm_init = parser_default_init }; const struct parser_methods pbranch_methods = { .pm_match = pbranch_match , .pm_init = pbranch_init }; const struct parser_methods pkw_methods = { .pm_match = pkw_match , .pm_init = pkw_init }; static int match_setenv(const struct match *im, struct match *om, const char *key, prop_object_t o) { if (im == NULL) om->m_env = prop_dictionary_create(); else om->m_env = prop_dictionary_copy(im->m_env); if (om->m_env == NULL) goto delobj; if (key != NULL && !prop_dictionary_set(om->m_env, key, o)) goto deldict; if (o != NULL) prop_object_release((prop_object_t)o); return 0; deldict: prop_object_release((prop_object_t)om->m_env); om->m_env = NULL; delobj: prop_object_release((prop_object_t)o); errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } int pstr_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg) { prop_object_t o; const struct pstr *ps = (const struct pstr *)p; uint8_t buf[128]; int len; if (arg == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } len = (int)sizeof(buf); if (get_string(arg, NULL, buf, &len, ps->ps_hexok) == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } o = (prop_object_t)prop_data_create_data(buf, len); if (o == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } if (match_setenv(im, om, ps->ps_key, o) == -1) return -1; om->m_argidx = argidx; om->m_parser = p; om->m_nextparser = p->p_nextparser; return 0; } int pinteger_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg) { prop_object_t o; const struct pinteger *pi = (const struct pinteger *)p; char *end; int64_t val; if (arg == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } val = strtoimax(arg, &end, pi->pi_base); if ((val == INTMAX_MIN || val == INTMAX_MAX) && errno == ERANGE) return -1; if (*end != '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (val < pi->pi_min || val > pi->pi_max) { errno = ERANGE; return -1; } o = (prop_object_t)prop_number_create_integer(val); if (o == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } if (match_setenv(im, om, pi->pi_key, o) == -1) return -1; om->m_argidx = argidx; om->m_parser = p; om->m_nextparser = p->p_nextparser; return 0; } static int parse_linkaddr(const char *addr, struct sockaddr_storage *ss) { static const size_t maxlen = sizeof(*ss) - offsetof(struct sockaddr_dl, sdl_data[0]); enum { LLADDR_S_INITIAL = 0, LLADDR_S_ONE_OCTET = 1, LLADDR_S_TWO_OCTETS = 2, LLADDR_S_COLON = 3 } state = LLADDR_S_INITIAL; uint8_t octet = 0, val; struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; const char *p; size_t i; memset(ss, 0, sizeof(*ss)); ss->ss_family = AF_LINK; sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)ss; for (i = 0, p = addr; i < maxlen; p++) { dbg_warnx("%s.%d: *p == %c, state %d", __func__, __LINE__, *p, state); if (*p == '\0') { dbg_warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); if (state != LLADDR_S_ONE_OCTET && state != LLADDR_S_TWO_OCTETS) return -1; dbg_warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); sdl->sdl_data[i++] = octet; sdl->sdl_len = offsetof(struct sockaddr_dl, sdl_data) + i * sizeof(sdl->sdl_data[0]); sdl->sdl_alen = i; return 0; } if (*p == ':') { dbg_warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); if (state != LLADDR_S_ONE_OCTET && state != LLADDR_S_TWO_OCTETS) return -1; dbg_warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); sdl->sdl_data[i++] = octet; state = LLADDR_S_COLON; continue; } if ('a' <= *p && *p <= 'f') val = 10 + *p - 'a'; else if ('A' <= *p && *p <= 'F') val = 10 + *p - 'A'; else if ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') val = *p - '0'; else return -1; dbg_warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); if (state == LLADDR_S_ONE_OCTET) { state = LLADDR_S_TWO_OCTETS; octet <<= 4; octet |= val; } else if (state != LLADDR_S_INITIAL && state != LLADDR_S_COLON) return -1; else { state = LLADDR_S_ONE_OCTET; octet = val; } dbg_warnx("%s.%d", __func__, __LINE__); } return -1; } static int paddr_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg0) { unsigned int net, node; int nread; union { struct sockaddr sa; struct sockaddr_at sat; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_storage ss; } u; const struct paddr *pa = (const struct paddr *)p; prop_data_t d; prop_object_t o; int64_t af0; int af, rc; struct paddr_prefix *pfx, *mask; const struct sockaddr *sa = NULL; struct addrinfo hints, *result = NULL; char *arg, *end, *plen = NULL, *servname0; const char *servname; long prefixlen = -1; size_t len; if (arg0 == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (pa->pa_activator != NULL && prop_dictionary_get(im->m_env, pa->pa_activator) == NULL) return -1; if (pa->pa_deactivator != NULL && prop_dictionary_get(im->m_env, pa->pa_deactivator) != NULL) return -1; if (!prop_dictionary_get_int64(im->m_env, "af", &af0)) af = AF_UNSPEC; else af = af0; memset(&u, 0, sizeof(u)); switch (af) { case AF_UNSPEC: case AF_INET: case AF_INET6: if ((arg = strdup(arg0)) == NULL) return -1; servname0 = arg; (void)strsep(&servname0, ","); servname = (servname0 == NULL) ? "0" : servname0; if (pa->pa_maskkey == NULL) ; else if ((plen = strrchr(arg, '/')) != NULL) *plen++ = '\0'; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST | AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_family = af; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; for (;;) { rc = getaddrinfo(arg, servname, &hints, &result); if (rc == 0) { if (result->ai_next == NULL) sa = result->ai_addr; else errno = EMLINK; break; } else if ((hints.ai_flags & AI_NUMERICHOST) != 0 && (af == AF_INET || af == AF_UNSPEC) && inet_aton(arg, &u.sin.sin_addr) == 1) { u.sin.sin_family = AF_INET; u.sin.sin_len = sizeof(u.sin); sa = &u.sa; break; } else if ((hints.ai_flags & AI_NUMERICHOST) == 0 || rc != EAI_NONAME) { errno = ENOENT; break; } hints.ai_flags &= ~AI_NUMERICHOST; } if (plen == NULL) prefixlen = -1; else { prefixlen = strtol(plen, &end, 10); if (end != NULL && *end != '\0') sa = NULL; if (prefixlen < 0 || prefixlen >= UINT8_MAX) { errno = ERANGE; sa = NULL; } } free(arg); if (sa != NULL || af != AF_UNSPEC) break; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case AF_APPLETALK: if (sscanf(arg0, "%u.%u%n", &net, &node, &nread) == 2 && net != 0 && net <= 0xffff && node != 0 && node <= 0xfe && arg0[nread] == '\0') { u.sat.sat_family = AF_APPLETALK; u.sat.sat_len = sizeof(u.sat); u.sat.sat_addr.s_net = htons(net); u.sat.sat_addr.s_node = node; sa = &u.sa; } break; case AF_LINK: if (parse_linkaddr(arg0, &u.ss) == -1) sa = NULL; else sa = &u.sa; break; } if (sa == NULL) return -1; len = offsetof(struct paddr_prefix, pfx_addr) + sa->sa_len; if ((pfx = malloc(len)) == NULL) return -1; #if 0 { int i; for (i = 0; i < sa->sa_len; i++) printf(" %02x", ((const uint8_t *)sa)[i]); printf("\n"); } #endif pfx->pfx_len = (int16_t)prefixlen; memcpy(&pfx->pfx_addr, sa, sa->sa_len); af = sa->sa_family; if (result != NULL) freeaddrinfo(result); o = (prop_object_t)prop_data_create_data(pfx, len); free(pfx); if (o == NULL) return -1; if (match_setenv(im, om, pa->pa_addrkey, o) == -1) return -1; if (pa->pa_maskkey != NULL && plen != NULL) { size_t masklen; if ((mask = prefixlen_to_mask(af, prefixlen)) == NULL) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: prefixlen_to_mask(%d, %ld)", __func__, af, prefixlen); return -1; } masklen = paddr_prefix_size(mask); d = prop_data_create_data(mask, masklen); free(mask); if (d == NULL) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: prop_data_create_data", __func__); return -1; } rc = prop_dictionary_set(om->m_env, pa->pa_maskkey, (prop_object_t)d) ? 0 : -1; prop_object_release((prop_object_t)d); if (rc != 0) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s: prop_dictionary_set", __func__); return rc; } } om->m_argidx = argidx; om->m_parser = p; om->m_nextparser = p->p_nextparser; return 0; } static int pterm_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg) { const struct pterm *pt = (const struct pterm *)p; prop_bool_t b; if (arg != NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } b = prop_bool_create(true); if (match_setenv(im, om, pt->pt_key, (prop_object_t)b) == -1) return -1; om->m_argidx = argidx; om->m_parser = p; om->m_nextparser = NULL; return 0; } static int piface_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg) { const struct piface *pif = (const struct piface *)p; prop_object_t o; if (arg == NULL || strlen(arg) > IFNAMSIZ) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if ((o = (prop_object_t)prop_string_create_cstring(arg)) == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } if (match_setenv(im, om, pif->pif_key, o) == -1) return -1; om->m_argidx = argidx; om->m_parser = p; om->m_nextparser = p->p_nextparser; return 0; } static void match_cleanup(struct match *dst) { if (dst->m_env != NULL) prop_object_release((prop_object_t)dst->m_env); memset(dst, 0, sizeof(*dst)); } static void match_copy(struct match *dst, const struct match *src) { match_cleanup(dst); prop_object_retain((prop_object_t)src->m_env); *dst = *src; } static int pbranch_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg) { const struct parser *nextp; struct branch *b; const struct pbranch *pb = (const struct pbranch *)p; struct match tmpm; int nforbid = 0, nmatch = 0, rc; parser_match_t matchfunc; memset(&tmpm, 0, sizeof(tmpm)); SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(b, &pb->pb_branches, b_next) { nextp = b->b_nextparser; dbg_warnx("%s: b->b_nextparser %p [%s]", __func__, nextp, nextp ? nextp->p_name : "(null)"); if (nextp == NULL) { if (arg == NULL) { nmatch++; match_setenv(im, om, NULL, NULL); om->m_nextparser = NULL; om->m_parser = p; om->m_argidx = argidx; } continue; } matchfunc = nextp->p_methods->pm_match; rc = (*matchfunc)(nextp, im, &tmpm, argidx, arg); if (rc == 0) { match_copy(om, &tmpm); match_cleanup(&tmpm); nmatch++; dbg_warnx("%s: branch %s ok", __func__, nextp->p_name); if (pb->pb_match_first) break; } else if (rc == 1) { nforbid++; if (pb->pb_match_first) break; } else { dbg_warnx("%s: fail branch %s", __func__, nextp->p_name); } } switch (nmatch) { case 0: errno = ENOENT; return (nforbid == 0) ? -1 : 1; case 1: dbg_warnx("%s: branch ok", __func__); return 0; default: match_cleanup(om); errno = EMLINK; return -1; } } static int pkw_match(const struct parser *p, const struct match *im, struct match *om, int argidx, const char *arg) { prop_object_t o = NULL; struct kwinst *k; union kwval *u = NULL; const struct pkw *pk = (const struct pkw *)p; if (arg == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(k, &pk->pk_keywords, k_next) { if (k->k_act != NULL && prop_dictionary_get(im->m_env, k->k_act) == NULL) continue; if (k->k_neg && arg[0] == '-' && strcmp(k->k_word, arg + 1) == 0) u = &k->k_negu; else if (strcmp(k->k_word, arg) == 0) u = &k->k_u; else continue; if (k->k_altdeact != NULL && prop_dictionary_get(im->m_env, k->k_altdeact) != NULL) return 1; if (k->k_deact != NULL && prop_dictionary_get(im->m_env, k->k_deact) != NULL) return 1; break; } if (k == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } switch (k->k_type) { case KW_T_NONE: break; case KW_T_BOOL: o = (prop_object_t)prop_bool_create(u->u_bool); if (o == NULL) goto err; break; case KW_T_INT: o = (prop_object_t)prop_number_create_integer(u->u_sint); if (o == NULL) goto err; break; case KW_T_UINT: o = (prop_object_t)prop_number_create_unsigned_integer( u->u_uint); if (o == NULL) goto err; break; case KW_T_OBJ: o = u->u_obj; break; case KW_T_STR: o = (prop_object_t)prop_string_create_cstring_nocopy(u->u_str); if (o == NULL) goto err; break; default: errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "unknown keyword type %d", k->k_type); } if (match_setenv(im, om, (o == NULL) ? NULL : k->k_key, o) == -1) return -1; om->m_argidx = argidx; om->m_parser = p; om->m_nextparser = k->k_nextparser; om->m_exec = k->k_exec; return 0; err: errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } struct paddr * paddr_create(const char *name, parser_exec_t pexec, const char *addrkey, const char *maskkey, struct parser *next) { struct paddr *pa; if ((pa = calloc(sizeof(*pa), 1)) == NULL) return NULL; pa->pa_parser.p_methods = &paddr_methods; pa->pa_parser.p_exec = pexec; pa->pa_parser.p_name = name; pa->pa_parser.p_nextparser = next; pa->pa_addrkey = addrkey; pa->pa_maskkey = maskkey; return pa; } struct piface * piface_create(const char *name, parser_exec_t pexec, const char *defkey, struct parser *defnext) { struct piface *pif; if ((pif = calloc(sizeof(*pif), 1)) == NULL) return NULL; pif->pif_parser.p_methods = &piface_methods; pif->pif_parser.p_exec = pexec; pif->pif_parser.p_name = name; pif->pif_parser.p_nextparser = defnext; pif->pif_key = defkey; return pif; } int pbranch_addbranch(struct pbranch *pb, struct parser *p) { struct branch *b; if ((b = malloc(sizeof(*b))) == NULL) return -1; b->b_nextparser = p; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pb->pb_branches, b, b_next); pb->pb_parser.p_initialized = false; return parser_init(&pb->pb_parser); } int pbranch_setbranches(struct pbranch *pb, const struct branch *brs, size_t nbr) { struct branch *b; size_t i; dbg_warnx("%s: nbr %zu", __func__, nbr); while ((b = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&pb->pb_branches)) != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&pb->pb_branches, b_next); free(b); } for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++) { if ((b = malloc(sizeof(*b))) == NULL) goto err; *b = brs[i]; dbg_warnx("%s: b->b_nextparser %p [%s]", __func__, b->b_nextparser, b->b_nextparser ? b->b_nextparser->p_name : "(null)"); SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pb->pb_branches, b, b_next); } return 0; err: while ((b = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&pb->pb_branches)) != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&pb->pb_branches, b_next); free(b); } return -1; } static int pbranch_init(struct parser *p) { struct branch *b; struct pbranch *pb = (struct pbranch *)p; struct parser *np; if (pb->pb_nbrinit == 0) ; else if (pbranch_setbranches(pb, pb->pb_brinit, pb->pb_nbrinit) == -1) return -1; pb->pb_nbrinit = 0; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(b, &pb->pb_branches, b_next) { np = b->b_nextparser; if (np != NULL && parser_init(np) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } struct pbranch * pbranch_create(const char *name, const struct branch *brs, size_t nbr, bool match_first) { struct pbranch *pb; dbg_warnx("%s: nbr %zu", __func__, nbr); if ((pb = calloc(1, sizeof(*pb))) == NULL) return NULL; pb->pb_parser.p_methods = &pbranch_methods; pb->pb_parser.p_name = name; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&pb->pb_branches); if (pbranch_setbranches(pb, brs, nbr) == -1) goto post_pb_err; pb->pb_match_first = match_first; return pb; post_pb_err: free(pb); return NULL; } static int parser_default_init(struct parser *p) { struct parser *np; np = p->p_nextparser; if (np != NULL && parser_init(np) == -1) return -1; return 0; } static int pkw_setwords(struct pkw *pk, parser_exec_t defexec, const char *defkey, const struct kwinst *kws, size_t nkw, struct parser *defnext) { struct kwinst *k; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nkw; i++) { if (kws[i].k_word == NULL) continue; if ((k = malloc(sizeof(*k))) == NULL) goto post_pk_err; *k = kws[i]; if (k->k_nextparser == NULL) k->k_nextparser = defnext; if (k->k_key == NULL) k->k_key = defkey; if (k->k_exec == NULL) k->k_exec = defexec; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pk->pk_keywords, k, k_next); } return 0; post_pk_err: while ((k = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&pk->pk_keywords)) != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&pk->pk_keywords, k_next); free(k); } return -1; } static int pkw_init(struct parser *p) { struct kwinst *k; struct pkw *pk = (struct pkw *)p; struct parser *np; if (pk->pk_nkwinit == 0) ; else if (pkw_setwords(pk, pk->pk_execinit, pk->pk_keyinit, pk->pk_kwinit, pk->pk_nkwinit, pk->pk_nextinit) == -1) return -1; pk->pk_nkwinit = 0; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(k, &pk->pk_keywords, k_next) { np = k->k_nextparser; if (np != NULL && parser_init(np) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } struct pkw * pkw_create(const char *name, parser_exec_t defexec, const char *defkey, const struct kwinst *kws, size_t nkw, struct parser *defnext) { struct pkw *pk; if ((pk = calloc(1, sizeof(*pk))) == NULL) return NULL; pk->pk_parser.p_methods = &pkw_methods; pk->pk_parser.p_exec = defexec; pk->pk_parser.p_name = name; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&pk->pk_keywords); if (pkw_setwords(pk, defexec, defkey, kws, nkw, defnext) == -1) goto err; return pk; err: free(pk); return NULL; } int parse(int argc, char **argv, const struct parser *p0, struct match *matches, size_t *nmatch, int *narg) { int i, rc = 0; struct match *lastm = NULL, *m = matches; const struct parser *p = p0; for (i = 0; i < argc && p != NULL; i++) { if ((size_t)(m - matches) >= *nmatch) { errno = EFBIG; rc = -1; break; } rc = (*p->p_methods->pm_match)(p, lastm, m, i, argv[i]); if (rc != 0) goto out; p = m->m_nextparser; lastm = m++; } for (; (size_t)(m - matches) < *nmatch && p != NULL; ) { rc = (*p->p_methods->pm_match)(p, lastm, m, i, NULL); if (rc != 0) break; p = m->m_nextparser; lastm = m++; } out: *nmatch = m - matches; *narg = i; return rc; } int matches_exec(const struct match *matches, prop_dictionary_t oenv, size_t nmatch) { size_t i; int rc = 0; const struct match *m; parser_exec_t pexec; prop_dictionary_t d; for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { m = &matches[i]; dbg_warnx("%s.%d: i %zu", __func__, __LINE__, i); pexec = (m->m_parser->p_exec != NULL) ? m->m_parser->p_exec : m->m_exec; if (pexec == NULL) continue; dbg_warnx("%s.%d: m->m_parser->p_name %s", __func__, __LINE__, m->m_parser->p_name); d = prop_dictionary_augment(m->m_env, oenv); rc = (*pexec)(d, oenv); prop_object_release((prop_object_t)d); if (rc == -1) break; } return rc; } int parser_init(struct parser *p) { if (p->p_initialized) return 0; p->p_initialized = true; if (p->p_methods->pm_init == NULL) return 0; return (*p->p_methods->pm_init)(p); }