/* $NetBSD: iscsi_send.c,v 2018/04/09 15:58:52 bouyer Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2004,2005,2006,2011 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Wasabi Systems, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "iscsi_globals.h" #include #include #include #include #include /*#define LUN_1 1 */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * my_soo_write: * Replacement for soo_write with flag handling. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * u The uio descriptor * * Returns: 0 on success, else EIO. */ STATIC int my_soo_write(connection_t *conn, struct uio *u) { struct socket *so = conn->sock->f_socket; int ret; #ifdef ISCSI_DEBUG size_t resid = u->uio_resid; #endif KASSERT(u->uio_resid != 0); ret = (*so->so_send)(so, NULL, u, NULL, NULL, 0, conn->threadobj); DEB(99, ("soo_write done: len = %zu\n", u->uio_resid)); if (ret != 0 || u->uio_resid) { DEBC(conn, 0, ("Write failed sock %p (ret: %d, req: %zu, resid: %zu)\n", conn->sock, ret, resid, u->uio_resid)); handle_connection_error(conn, ISCSI_STATUS_SOCKET_ERROR, NO_LOGOUT); return EIO; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * assign_connection: * This function returns the connection to use for the next transaction. * * Parameter: The session * * Returns: The connection */ connection_t * assign_connection(session_t *session, bool waitok) { connection_t *conn, *next; mutex_enter(&session->lock); do { if (session->terminating || (conn = session->mru_connection) == NULL) { mutex_exit(&session->lock); return NULL; } next = conn; do { next = TAILQ_NEXT(next, connections); if (next == NULL) { next = TAILQ_FIRST(&session->conn_list); } } while (next != NULL && next != conn && next->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE); if (next->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE) { if (waitok) { cv_wait(&session->sess_cv, &session->lock); next = TAILQ_FIRST(&session->conn_list); } else { mutex_exit(&session->lock); return NULL; } } else { session->mru_connection = next; } } while (next != NULL && next->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE); mutex_exit(&session->lock); return next; } /* * reassign_tasks: * Reassign pending commands to one of the still existing connections * of a session. * * Parameter: * oldconn The terminating connection */ STATIC void reassign_tasks(connection_t *oldconn) { session_t *sess = oldconn->session; connection_t *conn; ccb_t *ccb; pdu_t *pdu = NULL; pdu_t *opdu; int no_tm = 1; int rc = 1; uint32_t sn; if ((conn = assign_connection(sess, FALSE)) == NULL) { DEB(1, ("Reassign_tasks of Session %d, connection %d failed, " "no active connection\n", sess->id, oldconn->id)); /* XXX here we need to abort the waiting CCBs */ return; } if (sess->ErrorRecoveryLevel >= 2) { if (oldconn->loggedout == NOT_LOGGED_OUT) { oldconn->loggedout = LOGOUT_SENT; no_tm = send_logout(conn, oldconn, RECOVER_CONNECTION, TRUE); oldconn->loggedout = (rc) ? LOGOUT_FAILED : LOGOUT_SUCCESS; if (!oldconn->Time2Retain) { DEBC(conn, 1, ("Time2Retain is zero, setting no_tm\n")); no_tm = 1; } } else if (oldconn->loggedout == LOGOUT_SUCCESS) { no_tm = 0; } if (!no_tm && oldconn->Time2Wait) { DEBC(conn, 1, ("Time2Wait=%d, hz=%d, waiting...\n", oldconn->Time2Wait, hz)); kpause("Time2Wait", false, oldconn->Time2Wait * hz, NULL); } } DEBC(conn, 1, ("Reassign_tasks: Session %d, conn %d -> conn %d, no_tm=%d\n", sess->id, oldconn->id, conn->id, no_tm)); /* XXX reassign waiting CCBs to new connection */ while ((ccb = TAILQ_FIRST(&oldconn->ccbs_waiting)) != NULL) { /* Copy PDU contents (PDUs are bound to connection) */ if ((pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE)) == NULL) { break; } /* adjust CCB and clone PDU for new connection */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&oldconn->ccbs_waiting, ccb, chain); opdu = ccb->pdu_waiting; KASSERT((opdu->flags & PDUF_INQUEUE) == 0); *pdu = *opdu; /* restore overwritten back ptr */ pdu->connection = conn; /* fixup saved UIO and IOVEC (regular one will be overwritten anyway) */ pdu->save_uio.uio_iov = pdu->io_vec; pdu->save_iovec [0].iov_base = &pdu->pdu; if (conn->DataDigest && pdu->save_uio.uio_iovcnt > 1) { if (pdu->save_iovec [2].iov_base == NULL) { pdu->save_iovec [2].iov_base = &pdu->data_digest; pdu->save_uio.uio_iovcnt = 3; } else { pdu->save_iovec [3].iov_base = &pdu->data_digest; pdu->save_uio.uio_iovcnt = 4; } } pdu->save_iovec [0].iov_len = (conn->HeaderDigest) ? BHS_SIZE + 4 : BHS_SIZE; /* link new PDU into old CCB */ ccb->pdu_waiting = pdu; /* link new CCB into new connection */ ccb->connection = conn; /* reset timeouts */ ccb->num_timeouts = 0; /* fixup reference counts */ oldconn->usecount--; atomic_inc_uint(&conn->usecount); DEBC(conn, 1, ("CCB %p: Copied PDU %p to %p\n", ccb, opdu, pdu)); /* kill temp pointer that is now referenced by the new PDU */ opdu->temp_data = NULL; /* and free the old PDU */ free_pdu(opdu); /* put ready CCB into waiting list of new connection */ mutex_enter(&conn->lock); suspend_ccb(ccb, TRUE); mutex_exit(&conn->lock); } if (pdu == NULL) { DEBC(conn, 1, ("Error while copying PDUs in reassign_tasks!\n")); /* give up recovering, the other connection is screwed up as well... */ while ((ccb = TAILQ_FIRST(&oldconn->ccbs_waiting)) != NULL) { wake_ccb(ccb, oldconn->terminating); } /* XXX some CCBs might have been moved to new connection, but how is the * new connection handled or killed ? */ return; } TAILQ_FOREACH(ccb, &conn->ccbs_waiting, chain) { if (!no_tm) { rc = send_task_management(conn, ccb, NULL, TASK_REASSIGN); } /* if we get an error on reassign, restart the original request */ if (no_tm || rc) { mutex_enter(&sess->lock); if (ccb->CmdSN < sess->ExpCmdSN) { pdu = ccb->pdu_waiting; sn = get_sernum(sess, pdu); /* update CmdSN */ DEBC(conn, 1, ("Resend Updating CmdSN - old %d, new %d\n", ccb->CmdSN, sn)); ccb->CmdSN = sn; pdu->pdu.p.command.CmdSN = htonl(ccb->CmdSN); } mutex_exit(&sess->lock); resend_pdu(ccb); } else { ccb_timeout_start(ccb, COMMAND_TIMEOUT); } DEBC(conn, 1, ("Reassign ccb %p, no_tm=%d, rc=%d\n", ccb, no_tm, rc)); } } /* * iscsi_send_thread: * This thread services the send queue, writing the PDUs to the socket. * It also handles the cleanup when the connection is terminated. * * Parameter: * par The connection this thread services */ void iscsi_send_thread(void *par) { connection_t *conn = (connection_t *) par; session_t *sess; ccb_t *ccb, *nccb; pdu_t *pdu; struct file *fp; pdu_disp_t pdisp; sess = conn->session; /* so cleanup thread knows there's someone left */ iscsi_num_send_threads++; do { mutex_enter(&conn->lock); while (!conn->terminating) { while (!conn->terminating && (pdu = TAILQ_FIRST(&conn->pdus_to_send)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&conn->pdus_to_send, pdu, send_chain); pdu->flags &= ~PDUF_INQUEUE; mutex_exit(&conn->lock); /* update ExpStatSN here to avoid discontinuities */ /* and delays in updating target */ pdu->pdu.p.command.ExpStatSN = htonl(conn->StatSN_buf.ExpSN); if (conn->HeaderDigest) pdu->pdu.HeaderDigest = gen_digest(&pdu->pdu, BHS_SIZE); DEBC(conn, 99, ("Transmitting PDU CmdSN = %u, ExpStatSN = %u\n", ntohl(pdu->pdu.p.command.CmdSN), ntohl(pdu->pdu.p.command.ExpStatSN))); my_soo_write(conn, &pdu->uio); mutex_enter(&conn->lock); pdisp = pdu->disp; if (pdisp > PDUDISP_FREE) pdu->flags &= ~PDUF_BUSY; mutex_exit(&conn->lock); if (pdisp <= PDUDISP_FREE) free_pdu(pdu); mutex_enter(&conn->lock); } if (!conn->terminating) cv_wait(&conn->conn_cv, &conn->lock); } mutex_exit(&conn->lock); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Here this thread takes over cleanup of the terminating connection. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ connection_timeout_stop(conn); conn->idle_timeout_val = CONNECTION_IDLE_TIMEOUT; fp = conn->sock; /* * We shutdown the socket here to force the receive * thread to wake up */ DEBC(conn, 1, ("Closing Socket %p\n", conn->sock)); solock(fp->f_socket); soshutdown(fp->f_socket, SHUT_RDWR); sounlock(fp->f_socket); /* wake up any non-reassignable waiting CCBs */ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ccb, &conn->ccbs_waiting, chain, nccb) { if (!(ccb->flags & CCBF_REASSIGN) || ccb->pdu_waiting == NULL) { DEBC(conn, 1, ("Terminating CCB %p (t=%p)\n", ccb,&ccb->timeout)); wake_ccb(ccb, conn->terminating); } else { ccb_timeout_stop(ccb); ccb->num_timeouts = 0; } } /* clean out anything left in send queue */ mutex_enter(&conn->lock); while ((pdu = TAILQ_FIRST(&conn->pdus_to_send)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&conn->pdus_to_send, pdu, send_chain); pdu->flags &= ~(PDUF_INQUEUE | PDUF_BUSY); mutex_exit(&conn->lock); /* if it's not attached to a waiting CCB, free it */ if (pdu->owner == NULL || pdu->owner->pdu_waiting != pdu) { free_pdu(pdu); } mutex_enter(&conn->lock); } mutex_exit(&conn->lock); /* If there's another connection available, transfer pending tasks */ if (sess->active_connections && TAILQ_FIRST(&conn->ccbs_waiting) != NULL) { reassign_tasks(conn); } else if (!conn->destroy && conn->Time2Wait) { DEBC(conn, 1, ("Time2Wait\n")); kpause("Time2Wait", false, conn->Time2Wait * hz, NULL); DEBC(conn, 1, ("Time2Wait\n")); } /* notify event handlers of connection shutdown */ DEBC(conn, 1, ("%s\n", (conn->destroy) ? "TERMINATED" : "RECOVER")); add_event((conn->destroy) ? ISCSI_CONNECTION_TERMINATED : ISCSI_RECOVER_CONNECTION, sess->id, conn->id, conn->terminating); DEBC(conn, 1, ("Waiting for conn_idle\n")); mutex_enter(&conn->lock); if (!conn->destroy) cv_timedwait(&conn->idle_cv, &conn->lock, CONNECTION_IDLE_TIMEOUT); mutex_exit(&conn->lock); DEBC(conn, 1, ("Waited for conn_idle, destroy = %d\n", conn->destroy)); } while (!conn->destroy); /* wake up anyone waiting for a PDU */ mutex_enter(&conn->lock); cv_broadcast(&conn->conn_cv); mutex_exit(&conn->lock); /* wake up any waiting CCBs */ while ((ccb = TAILQ_FIRST(&conn->ccbs_waiting)) != NULL) { KASSERT(ccb->disp >= CCBDISP_NOWAIT); wake_ccb(ccb, conn->terminating); /* NOTE: wake_ccb will remove the CCB from the queue */ } add_connection_cleanup(conn); conn->sendproc = NULL; DEBC(conn, 1, ("Send thread exits\n")); iscsi_num_send_threads--; kthread_exit(0); } /* * send_pdu: * Enqueue a PDU to be sent, and handle its disposition as well as * the disposition of its associated CCB. * * Parameter: * ccb The associated CCB. May be NULL if cdisp is CCBDISP_NOWAIT * and pdisp is not PDUDISP_WAIT * cdisp The CCB's disposition * pdu The PDU * pdisp The PDU's disposition */ STATIC void send_pdu(ccb_t *ccb, pdu_t *pdu, ccb_disp_t cdisp, pdu_disp_t pdisp) { connection_t *conn = pdu->connection; ccb_disp_t prev_cdisp = 0; if (ccb != NULL) { prev_cdisp = ccb->disp; pdu->pdu.InitiatorTaskTag = ccb->ITT; pdu->owner = ccb; if (cdisp != CCBDISP_NOWAIT) ccb->disp = cdisp; } pdu->disp = pdisp; DEBC(conn, 10, ("Send_pdu: CmdSN=%u ExpStatSN~%u ccb=%p, pdu=%p\n", ntohl(pdu->pdu.p.command.CmdSN), conn->StatSN_buf.ExpSN, ccb, pdu)); mutex_enter(&conn->lock); if (pdisp == PDUDISP_WAIT) { KASSERT(ccb != NULL); ccb->pdu_waiting = pdu; /* save UIO and IOVEC for retransmit */ pdu->save_uio = pdu->uio; memcpy(pdu->save_iovec, pdu->io_vec, sizeof(pdu->save_iovec)); pdu->flags |= PDUF_BUSY; } /* Enqueue for sending */ pdu->flags |= PDUF_INQUEUE; if (pdu->flags & PDUF_PRIORITY) TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&conn->pdus_to_send, pdu, send_chain); else TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&conn->pdus_to_send, pdu, send_chain); cv_broadcast(&conn->conn_cv); if (cdisp != CCBDISP_NOWAIT) { KASSERT(ccb != NULL); KASSERTMSG(ccb->connection == conn, "conn mismatch %p != %p\n", ccb->connection, conn); if (prev_cdisp <= CCBDISP_NOWAIT) suspend_ccb(ccb, TRUE); mutex_exit(&conn->lock); ccb_timeout_start(ccb, COMMAND_TIMEOUT); mutex_enter(&conn->lock); while (ccb->disp == CCBDISP_WAIT) { DEBC(conn, 15, ("Send_pdu: ccb=%p cdisp=%d waiting\n", ccb, ccb->disp)); cv_wait(&conn->ccb_cv, &conn->lock); DEBC(conn, 15, ("Send_pdu: ccb=%p cdisp=%d returned\n", ccb, ccb->disp)); } } mutex_exit(&conn->lock); } /* * resend_pdu: * Re-Enqueue a PDU that has apparently gotten lost. * * Parameter: * ccb The associated CCB. */ void resend_pdu(ccb_t *ccb) { connection_t *conn = ccb->connection; pdu_t *pdu = ccb->pdu_waiting; mutex_enter(&conn->lock); if (pdu == NULL || (pdu->flags & PDUF_BUSY)) { mutex_exit(&conn->lock); return; } pdu->flags |= PDUF_BUSY; mutex_exit(&conn->lock); /* restore UIO and IOVEC */ pdu->uio = pdu->save_uio; memcpy(pdu->io_vec, pdu->save_iovec, sizeof(pdu->io_vec)); DEBC(conn, 8, ("ReSend_pdu: CmdSN=%u ExpStatSN~%u ccb=%p, pdu=%p\n", ntohl(pdu->pdu.p.command.CmdSN), conn->StatSN_buf.ExpSN, ccb, pdu)); mutex_enter(&conn->lock); /* Enqueue for sending */ pdu->flags |= PDUF_INQUEUE; if (pdu->flags & PDUF_PRIORITY) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&conn->pdus_to_send, pdu, send_chain); } else { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&conn->pdus_to_send, pdu, send_chain); } ccb_timeout_start(ccb, COMMAND_TIMEOUT); cv_broadcast(&conn->conn_cv); mutex_exit(&conn->lock); } /* * setup_tx_uio: * Initialize the uio structure for sending, including header, * data (if present), padding, and Data Digest. * Header Digest is generated in send thread. * * Parameter: * pdu The PDU * dsl The Data Segment Length * data The data pointer * read TRUE if this is a read operation */ STATIC void setup_tx_uio(pdu_t *pdu, uint32_t dsl, void *data, bool read) { static uint8_t pad_bytes[4] = { 0 }; struct uio *uio; int i, pad, hlen; connection_t *conn = pdu->connection; DEB(99, ("SetupTxUio: dlen = %d, dptr: %p, read: %d\n", dsl, data, read)); if (!read && dsl) { hton3(dsl, pdu->pdu.DataSegmentLength); } hlen = (conn->HeaderDigest) ? BHS_SIZE + 4 : BHS_SIZE; pdu->io_vec[0].iov_base = &pdu->pdu; pdu->io_vec[0].iov_len = hlen; uio = &pdu->uio; uio->uio_iov = pdu->io_vec; uio->uio_iovcnt = 1; uio->uio_rw = UIO_WRITE; uio->uio_resid = hlen; UIO_SETUP_SYSSPACE(uio); if (!read && dsl) { uio->uio_iovcnt++; pdu->io_vec[1].iov_base = data; pdu->io_vec[1].iov_len = dsl; uio->uio_resid += dsl; /* Pad to next multiple of 4 */ pad = uio->uio_resid & 0x03; if (pad) { i = uio->uio_iovcnt++; pad = 4 - pad; pdu->io_vec[i].iov_base = pad_bytes; pdu->io_vec[i].iov_len = pad; uio->uio_resid += pad; } if (conn->DataDigest) { pdu->data_digest = gen_digest_2(data, dsl, pad_bytes, pad); i = uio->uio_iovcnt++; pdu->io_vec[i].iov_base = &pdu->data_digest; pdu->io_vec[i].iov_len = 4; uio->uio_resid += 4; } } } /* * init_login_pdu: * Initialize the login PDU. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * ccb The CCB * pdu The PDU */ STATIC void init_login_pdu(connection_t *conn, ccb_t *ccb, pdu_t *ppdu, bool next) { pdu_header_t *pdu = &ppdu->pdu; login_isid_t *isid = (login_isid_t *) & pdu->LUN; uint8_t c_phase; pdu->Opcode = IOP_Login_Request | OP_IMMEDIATE; mutex_enter(&conn->session->lock); ccb->CmdSN = get_sernum(conn->session, ppdu); mutex_exit(&conn->session->lock); if (next) { c_phase = (pdu->Flags >> CSG_SHIFT) & SG_MASK; pdu->Flags = FLAG_TRANSIT | (c_phase << CSG_SHIFT) | NEXT_PHASE(c_phase); } memcpy(isid, &iscsi_InitiatorISID, 6); isid->TSIH = conn->session->TSIH; pdu->p.login_req.CID = htons(conn->id); pdu->p.login_req.CmdSN = htonl(ccb->CmdSN); } /* * negotiate_login: * Control login negotiation. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * rx_pdu The received login response PDU * tx_ccb The originally sent login CCB */ void negotiate_login(connection_t *conn, pdu_t *rx_pdu, ccb_t *tx_ccb) { int rc; bool next = TRUE; pdu_t *tx_pdu; uint8_t c_phase; if (rx_pdu->pdu.Flags & FLAG_TRANSIT) c_phase = rx_pdu->pdu.Flags & SG_MASK; else c_phase = (rx_pdu->pdu.Flags >> CSG_SHIFT) & SG_MASK; DEB(99, ("NegotiateLogin: Flags=%x Phase=%x\n", rx_pdu->pdu.Flags, c_phase)); if (c_phase == SG_FULL_FEATURE_PHASE) { session_t *sess = conn->session; if (!sess->TSIH) sess->TSIH = ((login_isid_t *) &rx_pdu->pdu.LUN)->TSIH; if (rx_pdu->temp_data != NULL) assemble_negotiation_parameters(conn, tx_ccb, rx_pdu, NULL); /* negotiated values are now valid */ set_negotiated_parameters(tx_ccb); DEBC(conn, 5, ("Login Successful!\n")); wake_ccb(tx_ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_SUCCESS); return; } tx_pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (tx_pdu == NULL) return; tx_pdu->pdu.Flags = c_phase << CSG_SHIFT; switch (c_phase) { case SG_SECURITY_NEGOTIATION: rc = assemble_security_parameters(conn, tx_ccb, rx_pdu, tx_pdu); if (rc < 0) next = FALSE; break; case SG_LOGIN_OPERATIONAL_NEGOTIATION: rc = assemble_negotiation_parameters(conn, tx_ccb, rx_pdu, tx_pdu); break; default: DEBOUT(("Invalid phase %x in negotiate_login\n", c_phase)); rc = ISCSI_STATUS_TARGET_ERROR; break; } if (rc > 0) { wake_ccb(tx_ccb, rc); free_pdu(tx_pdu); } else { init_login_pdu(conn, tx_ccb, tx_pdu, next); setup_tx_uio(tx_pdu, tx_pdu->temp_data_len, tx_pdu->temp_data, FALSE); send_pdu(tx_ccb, tx_pdu, CCBDISP_NOWAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); } } /* * init_text_pdu: * Initialize the text PDU. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * ccb The transmit CCB * ppdu The transmit PDU * rx_pdu The received PDU if this is an unsolicited negotiation */ STATIC void init_text_pdu(connection_t *conn, ccb_t *ccb, pdu_t *ppdu, pdu_t *rx_pdu) { pdu_header_t *pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->Opcode = IOP_Text_Request | OP_IMMEDIATE; pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL; mutex_enter(&conn->session->lock); ccb->CmdSN = get_sernum(conn->session, ppdu); mutex_exit(&conn->session->lock); if (rx_pdu != NULL) { pdu->p.text_req.TargetTransferTag = rx_pdu->pdu.p.text_rsp.TargetTransferTag; pdu->LUN = rx_pdu->pdu.LUN; } else pdu->p.text_req.TargetTransferTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.text_req.CmdSN = htonl(ccb->CmdSN); } /* * acknowledge_text: * Acknowledge a continued login or text response. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * rx_pdu The received login/text response PDU * tx_ccb The originally sent login/text request CCB */ void acknowledge_text(connection_t *conn, pdu_t *rx_pdu, ccb_t *tx_ccb) { pdu_t *tx_pdu; tx_pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (tx_pdu == NULL) return; if (rx_pdu != NULL && (rx_pdu->pdu.Opcode & OPCODE_MASK) == IOP_Login_Request) init_login_pdu(conn, tx_ccb, tx_pdu, FALSE); else init_text_pdu(conn, tx_ccb, tx_pdu, rx_pdu); setup_tx_uio(tx_pdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(tx_ccb, tx_pdu, CCBDISP_NOWAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); } /* * start_text_negotiation: * Handle target request to negotiate (via asynch event) * * Parameter: * conn The connection */ void start_text_negotiation(connection_t *conn) { pdu_t *pdu; ccb_t *ccb; ccb = get_ccb(conn, TRUE); if (ccb == NULL) return; pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (pdu == NULL) { free_ccb(ccb); return; } if (init_text_parameters(conn, ccb)) { free_ccb(ccb); free_pdu(pdu); return; } init_text_pdu(conn, ccb, pdu, NULL); setup_tx_uio(pdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(ccb, pdu, CCBDISP_FREE, PDUDISP_WAIT); } /* * negotiate_text: * Handle received text negotiation. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * rx_pdu The received text response PDU * tx_ccb The original CCB */ void negotiate_text(connection_t *conn, pdu_t *rx_pdu, ccb_t *tx_ccb) { int rc; pdu_t *tx_pdu; if (tx_ccb->flags & CCBF_SENDTARGET) { if (!(rx_pdu->pdu.Flags & FLAG_FINAL)) { handle_connection_error(conn, ISCSI_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR, LOGOUT_CONNECTION); return; } /* transfer ownership of text to CCB */ tx_ccb->text_data = rx_pdu->temp_data; tx_ccb->text_len = rx_pdu->temp_data_len; rx_pdu->temp_data = NULL; wake_ccb(tx_ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { if (!(rx_pdu->pdu.Flags & FLAG_FINAL)) tx_pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); else tx_pdu = NULL; rc = assemble_negotiation_parameters(conn, tx_ccb, rx_pdu, tx_pdu); if (rc) { if (tx_pdu != NULL) free_pdu(tx_pdu); handle_connection_error(conn, rc, LOGOUT_CONNECTION); } else if (tx_pdu != NULL) { init_text_pdu(conn, tx_ccb, tx_pdu, rx_pdu); setup_tx_uio(tx_pdu, tx_pdu->temp_data_len, tx_pdu->temp_data, FALSE); send_pdu(tx_ccb, tx_pdu, CCBDISP_NOWAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); } else { set_negotiated_parameters(tx_ccb); wake_ccb(tx_ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_SUCCESS); } } } /* * send_send_targets: * Send out a SendTargets text request. * The result is stored in the fields in the session structure. * * Parameter: * session The session * key The text key to use * * Returns: 0 on success, else an error code. */ int send_send_targets(session_t *session, uint8_t *key) { ccb_t *ccb; pdu_t *pdu; int rc = 0; connection_t *conn; DEB(9, ("Send_send_targets\n")); conn = assign_connection(session, TRUE); if (conn == NULL || conn->terminating || conn->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE) return (conn != NULL && conn->terminating) ? conn->terminating : ISCSI_STATUS_CONNECTION_FAILED; ccb = get_ccb(conn, TRUE); if (ccb == NULL) return conn->terminating; pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (pdu == NULL) { free_ccb(ccb); return conn->terminating; } ccb->flags |= CCBF_SENDTARGET; if ((rc = assemble_send_targets(pdu, key)) != 0) { free_ccb(ccb); free_pdu(pdu); return rc; } init_text_pdu(conn, ccb, pdu, NULL); setup_tx_uio(pdu, pdu->temp_data_len, pdu->temp_data, FALSE); send_pdu(ccb, pdu, CCBDISP_WAIT, PDUDISP_WAIT); rc = ccb->status; if (!rc) { /* transfer ownership of data */ session->target_list = ccb->text_data; session->target_list_len = ccb->text_len; ccb->text_data = NULL; } free_ccb(ccb); return rc; } /* * send_nop_out: * Send nop out request. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * rx_pdu The received Nop-In PDU * * Returns: 0 on success, else an error code. */ int send_nop_out(connection_t *conn, pdu_t *rx_pdu) { session_t *sess; ccb_t *ccb; pdu_t *ppdu; pdu_header_t *pdu; uint32_t sn; if (rx_pdu != NULL) { ccb = NULL; ppdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (ppdu == NULL) return 1; } else { ccb = get_ccb(conn, FALSE); if (ccb == NULL) { DEBOUT(("Can't get CCB in send_nop_out\n")); return 1; } ppdu = get_pdu(conn, FALSE); if (ppdu == NULL) { free_ccb(ccb); DEBOUT(("Can't get PDU in send_nop_out\n")); return 1; } } pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL; pdu->Opcode = IOP_NOP_Out | OP_IMMEDIATE; sess = conn->session; mutex_enter(&sess->lock); sn = get_sernum(sess, ppdu); mutex_exit(&sess->lock); if (rx_pdu != NULL) { pdu->p.nop_out.TargetTransferTag = rx_pdu->pdu.p.nop_in.TargetTransferTag; pdu->InitiatorTaskTag = rx_pdu->pdu.InitiatorTaskTag; pdu->p.nop_out.CmdSN = htonl(sn); pdu->LUN = rx_pdu->pdu.LUN; } else { pdu->p.nop_out.TargetTransferTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->InitiatorTaskTag = 0xffffffff; ccb->CmdSN = sn; pdu->p.nop_out.CmdSN = htonl(sn); } DEBC(conn, 10, ("Send NOP_Out CmdSN=%d, rx_pdu=%p\n", sn, rx_pdu)); setup_tx_uio(ppdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(ccb, ppdu, (rx_pdu != NULL) ? CCBDISP_NOWAIT : CCBDISP_FREE, PDUDISP_FREE); return 0; } /* * snack_missing: * Send SNACK request for missing data. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * ccb The task's CCB (for Data NAK only) * type The SNACK type * BegRun The BegRun field * RunLength The RunLength field */ void snack_missing(connection_t *conn, ccb_t *ccb, uint8_t type, uint32_t BegRun, uint32_t RunLength) { pdu_t *ppdu; pdu_header_t *pdu; ppdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (ppdu == NULL) return; pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->Opcode = IOP_SNACK_Request; pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL | type; pdu->InitiatorTaskTag = (type == SNACK_DATA_NAK) ? ccb->ITT : 0xffffffff; pdu->p.snack.TargetTransferTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.snack.BegRun = htonl(BegRun); pdu->p.snack.RunLength = htonl(RunLength); ppdu->flags = PDUF_PRIORITY; setup_tx_uio(ppdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(NULL, ppdu, CCBDISP_NOWAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); } /* * send_snack: * Send SNACK request. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * rx_pdu The received data in PDU * tx_ccb The original command CCB (required for Data ACK only) * type The SNACK type * * Returns: 0 on success, else an error code. */ void send_snack(connection_t *conn, pdu_t *rx_pdu, ccb_t *tx_ccb, uint8_t type) { pdu_t *ppdu; pdu_header_t *pdu; ppdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (ppdu == NULL) return; pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->Opcode = IOP_SNACK_Request; pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL | type; switch (type) { case SNACK_DATA_NAK: pdu->InitiatorTaskTag = rx_pdu->pdu.InitiatorTaskTag; pdu->p.snack.TargetTransferTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.snack.BegRun = rx_pdu->pdu.p.data_in.DataSN; pdu->p.snack.RunLength = htonl(1); break; case SNACK_STATUS_NAK: pdu->InitiatorTaskTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.snack.TargetTransferTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.snack.BegRun = rx_pdu->pdu.p.response.StatSN; pdu->p.snack.RunLength = htonl(1); break; case SNACK_DATA_ACK: pdu->InitiatorTaskTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.snack.TargetTransferTag = rx_pdu->pdu.p.data_in.TargetTransferTag; pdu->p.snack.BegRun = tx_ccb->DataSN_buf.ExpSN; pdu->p.snack.RunLength = 0; break; default: DEBOUT(("Invalid type %d in send_snack\n", type)); return; } pdu->LUN = rx_pdu->pdu.LUN; ppdu->flags = PDUF_PRIORITY; setup_tx_uio(ppdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(NULL, ppdu, CCBDISP_NOWAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); } /* * send_login: * Send login request. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * par The login parameters (for negotiation) * * Returns: 0 on success, else an error code. */ int send_login(connection_t *conn) { ccb_t *ccb; pdu_t *pdu; int rc; DEBC(conn, 9, ("Send_login\n")); ccb = get_ccb(conn, TRUE); /* only if terminating (which couldn't possibly happen here, but...) */ if (ccb == NULL) return conn->terminating; pdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (pdu == NULL) { free_ccb(ccb); return conn->terminating; } if ((rc = assemble_login_parameters(conn, ccb, pdu)) <= 0) { init_login_pdu(conn, ccb, pdu, !rc); setup_tx_uio(pdu, pdu->temp_data_len, pdu->temp_data, FALSE); send_pdu(ccb, pdu, CCBDISP_WAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); rc = ccb->status; } else { free_pdu(pdu); } free_ccb(ccb); return rc; } /* * send_logout: * Send logout request. * NOTE: This function does not wait for the logout to complete. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * refconn The referenced connection * reason The reason code * wait Wait for completion if TRUE * * Returns: 0 on success (logout sent), else an error code. */ int send_logout(connection_t *conn, connection_t *refconn, int reason, bool wait) { ccb_t *ccb; pdu_t *ppdu; pdu_header_t *pdu; DEBC(conn, 5, ("Send_logout\n")); ccb = get_ccb(conn, TRUE); /* can only happen if terminating... */ if (ccb == NULL) return conn->terminating; ppdu = get_pdu(conn, TRUE); if (ppdu == NULL) { free_ccb(ccb); return conn->terminating; } pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->Opcode = IOP_Logout_Request | OP_IMMEDIATE; pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL | reason; ccb->CmdSN = conn->session->CmdSN; pdu->p.logout_req.CmdSN = htonl(ccb->CmdSN); if (reason > 0) pdu->p.logout_req.CID = htons(refconn->id); ccb->par = refconn; if (refconn != conn) { ccb->flags |= CCBF_OTHERCONN; } else { conn->state = ST_LOGOUT_SENT; conn->loggedout = LOGOUT_SENT; } setup_tx_uio(ppdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(ccb, ppdu, (wait) ? CCBDISP_WAIT : CCBDISP_FREE, PDUDISP_FREE); if (wait) { int rc = ccb->status; free_ccb (ccb); return rc; } return 0; } /* * send_task_management: * Send task management request. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * ref_ccb The referenced command (NULL if none) * xs The scsipi command structure (NULL if not a scsipi request) * function The function code * * Returns: 0 on success, else an error code. */ int send_task_management(connection_t *conn, ccb_t *ref_ccb, struct scsipi_xfer *xs, int function) { ccb_t *ccb; pdu_t *ppdu; pdu_header_t *pdu; DEBC(conn, 5, ("Send_task_management, ref_ccb=%p, func = %d\n", ref_ccb, function)); if (function == TASK_REASSIGN && conn->session->ErrorRecoveryLevel < 2) return ISCSI_STATUS_CANT_REASSIGN; ccb = get_ccb(conn, xs == NULL); /* can only happen if terminating... */ if (ccb == NULL) { DEBC(conn, 0, ("send_task_management, ref_ccb=%p, xs=%p, term=%d. No CCB\n", ref_ccb, xs, conn->terminating)); return conn->terminating; } ppdu = get_pdu(conn, xs == NULL); if (ppdu == NULL) { DEBC(conn, 0, ("send_task_management, ref_ccb=%p, xs=%p, term=%d. No PDU\n", ref_ccb, xs, conn->terminating)); free_ccb(ccb); return conn->terminating; } ccb->xs = xs; pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->Opcode = IOP_SCSI_Task_Management | OP_IMMEDIATE; pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL | function; ccb->CmdSN = conn->session->CmdSN; pdu->p.task_req.CmdSN = htonl(ccb->CmdSN); if (ref_ccb != NULL) { pdu->p.task_req.ReferencedTaskTag = ref_ccb->ITT; pdu->p.task_req.RefCmdSN = htonl(ref_ccb->CmdSN); pdu->p.task_req.ExpDataSN = htonl(ref_ccb->DataSN_buf.ExpSN); } else pdu->p.task_req.ReferencedTaskTag = 0xffffffff; ppdu->flags |= PDUF_PRIORITY; setup_tx_uio(ppdu, 0, NULL, FALSE); send_pdu(ccb, ppdu, (xs) ? CCBDISP_SCSIPI : CCBDISP_WAIT, PDUDISP_FREE); if (xs == NULL) { int rc = ccb->status; free_ccb(ccb); return rc; } return 0; } /* * send_data_out: * Send data to target in response to an R2T or as unsolicited data. * * Parameter: * conn The connection * rx_pdu The received R2T PDU (NULL if unsolicited) * tx_ccb The originally sent command CCB * waitok Whether it's OK to wait for an available PDU or not */ int send_data_out(connection_t *conn, pdu_t *rx_pdu, ccb_t *tx_ccb, ccb_disp_t disp, bool waitok) { pdu_header_t *pdu; uint32_t totlen, len, offs, sn; pdu_t *tx_pdu; KASSERT(conn->max_transfer != 0); if (rx_pdu) { offs = ntohl(rx_pdu->pdu.p.r2t.BufferOffset); totlen = ntohl(rx_pdu->pdu.p.r2t.DesiredDataTransferLength); } else { offs = conn->max_firstimmed; totlen = min(conn->max_firstdata - offs, tx_ccb->data_len - offs); } sn = 0; while (totlen) { len = min(totlen, conn->max_transfer); tx_pdu = get_pdu(conn, waitok); if (tx_pdu == NULL) { DEBC(conn, 5, ("No PDU in send_data_out\n")); tx_ccb->disp = disp; tx_ccb->status = ISCSI_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES; handle_connection_error(conn, ISCSI_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES, NO_LOGOUT); return ISCSI_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES; } totlen -= len; pdu = &tx_pdu->pdu; pdu->Opcode = IOP_SCSI_Data_out; if (!totlen) pdu->Flags = FLAG_FINAL; if (rx_pdu != NULL) pdu->p.data_out.TargetTransferTag = rx_pdu->pdu.p.r2t.TargetTransferTag; else pdu->p.data_out.TargetTransferTag = 0xffffffff; pdu->p.data_out.BufferOffset = htonl(offs); pdu->p.data_out.DataSN = htonl(sn); DEBC(conn, 10, ("Send DataOut: DataSN %d, len %d offs %x totlen %d\n", sn, len, offs, totlen)); setup_tx_uio(tx_pdu, len, tx_ccb->data_ptr + offs, FALSE); send_pdu(tx_ccb, tx_pdu, (totlen) ? CCBDISP_NOWAIT : disp, PDUDISP_FREE); sn++; offs += len; } return 0; } /* * send_command: * Send a SCSI command request. * * Parameter: * CCB The CCB * disp The CCB disposition */ void send_command(ccb_t *ccb, ccb_disp_t disp, bool waitok, bool immed) { uint32_t totlen, len; connection_t *conn = ccb->connection; session_t *sess = ccb->session; pdu_t *ppdu; pdu_header_t *pdu; mutex_enter(&sess->lock); while (!sernum_in_window(sess)) { mutex_exit(&sess->lock); ccb->disp = disp; wake_ccb(ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_QUEUE_FULL); return; } mutex_exit(&sess->lock); /* Don't confuse targets during (re-)negotations */ if (conn->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE) { DEBOUT(("Invalid connection for send_command, ccb = %p\n",ccb)); ccb->disp = disp; wake_ccb(ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_TARGET_BUSY); return; } ppdu = get_pdu(conn, waitok); if (ppdu == NULL) { DEBOUT(("No PDU for send_command, ccb = %p\n",ccb)); ccb->disp = disp; wake_ccb(ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES); return; } totlen = len = ccb->data_len; pdu = &ppdu->pdu; pdu->LUN = htonq(ccb->lun); memcpy(pdu->p.command.SCSI_CDB, ccb->cmd, ccb->cmdlen); pdu->Opcode = IOP_SCSI_Command; if (immed) pdu->Opcode |= OP_IMMEDIATE; pdu->p.command.ExpectedDataTransferLength = htonl(totlen); if (totlen) { if (ccb->data_in) { pdu->Flags = FLAG_READ; totlen = 0; } else { pdu->Flags = FLAG_WRITE; /* immediate data we can send */ len = min(totlen, conn->max_firstimmed); /* can we send more unsolicited data ? */ totlen = conn->max_firstdata ? totlen - len : 0; } } if (!totlen) pdu->Flags |= FLAG_FINAL; pdu->Flags |= ccb->tag; if (ccb->data_in) init_sernum(&ccb->DataSN_buf); ccb->sense_len_got = 0; ccb->xfer_len = 0; ccb->residual = 0; ccb->flags |= CCBF_REASSIGN; mutex_enter(&sess->lock); ccb->CmdSN = get_sernum(sess, ppdu); mutex_exit(&sess->lock); pdu->p.command.CmdSN = htonl(ccb->CmdSN); DEBC(conn, 10, ("Send Command: CmdSN %d (%d), data_in %d, len %d, totlen %d\n", ccb->CmdSN, sess->MaxCmdSN, ccb->data_in, len, totlen)); setup_tx_uio(ppdu, len, ccb->data_ptr, ccb->data_in); send_pdu(ccb, ppdu, (totlen) ? CCBDISP_DEFER : disp, PDUDISP_WAIT); if (totlen) send_data_out(conn, NULL, ccb, disp, waitok); } /* * send_run_xfer: * Handle a SCSI command transfer request from scsipi. * * Parameter: * session The session * xs The transfer parameters */ void send_run_xfer(session_t *session, struct scsipi_xfer *xs) { ccb_t *ccb; connection_t *conn; bool waitok; waitok = !(xs->xs_control & XS_CTL_NOSLEEP); DEB(10, ("RunXfer: flags=%x, data=%p, datalen=%d, resid=%d, cmdlen=%d, " "waitok=%d\n", xs->xs_control, xs->data, xs->datalen, xs->resid, xs->cmdlen, waitok)); conn = assign_connection(session, waitok); if (conn == NULL || conn->terminating || conn->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE) { if (session->terminating) xs->error = XS_SELTIMEOUT; else xs->error = XS_BUSY; DEBC(conn, 10, ("run_xfer on dead connection\n")); scsipi_done(xs); unref_session(session); return; } if (xs->xs_control & XS_CTL_RESET) { if (send_task_management(conn, NULL, xs, TARGET_WARM_RESET)) { DEBC(conn, 0, ("send_task_management TARGET_WARM_RESET failed\n")); xs->error = XS_SELTIMEOUT; scsipi_done(xs); unref_session(session); } return; } ccb = get_ccb(conn, waitok); if (ccb == NULL) { xs->error = XS_BUSY; DEBC(conn, 5, ("No CCB in run_xfer, %d in use.\n", conn->usecount)); scsipi_done(xs); unref_session(session); return; } /* copy parameters into CCB for easier access */ ccb->xs = xs; ccb->data_in = (xs->xs_control & XS_CTL_DATA_IN) != 0; ccb->data_len = (uint32_t) xs->datalen; ccb->data_ptr = xs->data; ccb->sense_len_req = sizeof(xs->sense.scsi_sense); ccb->sense_ptr = &xs->sense; ccb->lun = ((uint64_t) (uint8_t) xs->xs_periph->periph_lun) << 48; ccb->cmd = (uint8_t *) xs->cmd; ccb->cmdlen = xs->cmdlen; DEB(10, ("RunXfer: Periph_lun = %d, cmd[1] = %x, cmdlen = %d\n", xs->xs_periph->periph_lun, ccb->cmd[1], xs->cmdlen)); ccb->ITT |= xs->xs_tag_id << 24; switch (xs->xs_tag_type) { case MSG_ORDERED_Q_TAG: ccb->tag = ATTR_ORDERED; break; case MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG: ccb->tag = ATTR_SIMPLE; break; case MSG_HEAD_OF_Q_TAG: ccb->tag = ATTR_HEAD_OF_QUEUE; break; default: ccb->tag = 0; break; } #ifdef LUN_1 ccb->lun += 0x1000000000000LL; ccb->cmd[1] += 0x10; #endif send_command(ccb, CCBDISP_SCSIPI, waitok, FALSE); } #ifndef ISCSI_MINIMAL /* * send_io_command: * Handle a SCSI io command request from user space. * * Parameter: * session The session * lun The LUN to use * req The SCSI request block * immed Immediate command if TRUE * conn_id Assign to this connection ID if nonzero */ int send_io_command(session_t *session, uint64_t lun, scsireq_t *req, bool immed, uint32_t conn_id) { ccb_t *ccb; connection_t *conn; int rc; DEB(9, ("IoCommand: lun=%x, datalen=%d, cmdlen=%d, immed=%d, cid=%d\n", (int) lun, (int) req->datalen, (int) req->cmdlen, immed, conn_id)); conn = (conn_id) ? find_connection(session, conn_id) : assign_connection(session, TRUE); if (conn == NULL || conn->terminating || conn->state != ST_FULL_FEATURE) { DEBOUT(("io_command on dead connection (state = %d)\n", (conn != NULL) ? conn->state : -1)); return ISCSI_STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION_ID; } ccb = get_ccb(conn, TRUE); if (ccb == NULL) { DEBOUT(("No CCB in io_command\n")); return ISCSI_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES; } ccb->data_in = (req->flags & SCCMD_READ) != 0; ccb->data_len = (uint32_t) req->datalen; ccb->data_ptr = req->databuf; ccb->sense_len_req = req->senselen; ccb->sense_ptr = &req->sense; ccb->lun = lun; ccb->cmd = (uint8_t *) req->cmd; ccb->cmdlen = req->cmdlen; DEBC(conn, 10, ("IoCommand: cmd[1] = %x, cmdlen = %d\n", ccb->cmd[1], ccb->cmdlen)); send_command(ccb, CCBDISP_WAIT, TRUE, immed); rc = ccb->status; req->senselen_used = ccb->sense_len_got; req->datalen_used = req->datalen - ccb->residual; free_ccb(ccb); return rc; } #endif /***************************************************************************** * Timeout handlers *****************************************************************************/ /* * connection_timeout: * Handle prolonged silence on a connection by checking whether * it's still alive. * This has the side effect of discovering missing status or lost commands * before those time out. * * Parameter: * conn The connection */ void connection_timeout(connection_t *conn) { if (++conn->num_timeouts > MAX_CONN_TIMEOUTS) handle_connection_error(conn, ISCSI_STATUS_TIMEOUT, NO_LOGOUT); else { if (conn->state == ST_FULL_FEATURE) send_nop_out(conn, NULL); connection_timeout_start(conn, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } } /* * ccb_timeout: * Handle timeout of a sent command. * * Parameter: * ccb The CCB */ void ccb_timeout(ccb_t *ccb) { connection_t *conn = ccb->connection; ccb->total_tries++; DEBC(conn, 0, ("ccb_timeout: num=%d total=%d disp=%d\n", ccb->num_timeouts+1, ccb->total_tries, ccb->disp)); if (++ccb->num_timeouts > MAX_CCB_TIMEOUTS || ccb->total_tries > MAX_CCB_TRIES || ccb->disp <= CCBDISP_FREE || !ccb->session->ErrorRecoveryLevel) { wake_ccb(ccb, ISCSI_STATUS_TIMEOUT); handle_connection_error(conn, ISCSI_STATUS_TIMEOUT, RECOVER_CONNECTION); } else { if (ccb->data_in && ccb->xfer_len < ccb->data_len) { /* request resend of all missing data */ snack_missing(conn, ccb, SNACK_DATA_NAK, 0, 0); } else { /* request resend of all missing status */ snack_missing(conn, NULL, SNACK_STATUS_NAK, 0, 0); } ccb_timeout_start(ccb, COMMAND_TIMEOUT); } }