/* $NetBSD: cdplay.c,v 1.49 2015/06/17 00:01:59 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001 Andrew Doran. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * Compact Disc Control Utility, originally by Serge V. Vakulenko * . First appeared in FreeBSD under the guise of * cdcontrol(1). Based on the non-X based CD player by Jean-Marc * Zucconi and Andrey A. Chernov. Fixed and further modified on * by Jukka Ukkonen . Lots of fixes and improvements * made subsequently by The NetBSD Project. * * from FreeBSD: cdcontrol.c,v 1999/01/31 15:36:01 billf Exp */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: cdplay.c,v 1.49 2015/06/17 00:01:59 christos Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum cmd { CMD_ANALOG, CMD_CLOSE, CMD_DIGITAL, CMD_EJECT, CMD_HELP, CMD_INFO, CMD_NEXT, CMD_PAUSE, CMD_PLAY, CMD_PREV, CMD_QUIT, CMD_RESET, CMD_RESUME, CMD_SET, CMD_SHUFFLE, CMD_SINGLE, CMD_SKIP, CMD_STATUS, CMD_STOP, CMD_VOLUME, }; static struct cmdtab { enum cmd command; const char *name; u_int min; const char *args; } const cmdtab[] = { { CMD_ANALOG, "analog", 1, NULL }, { CMD_CLOSE, "close", 1, NULL }, { CMD_DIGITAL, "digital", 1, "fpw" }, { CMD_EJECT, "eject", 1, NULL }, { CMD_HELP, "?", 1, 0 }, { CMD_HELP, "help", 1, NULL }, { CMD_INFO, "info", 1, NULL }, { CMD_NEXT, "next", 1, NULL }, { CMD_PAUSE, "pause", 2, NULL }, { CMD_PLAY, "play", 1, "[#block [len]]" }, { CMD_PLAY, "play", 1, "min1:sec1[.fram1] [min2:sec2[.fram2]]" }, { CMD_PLAY, "play", 1, "tr1 m1:s1[.f1] [[tr2] [m2:s2[.f2]]]" }, { CMD_PLAY, "play", 1, "track1[.index1] [track2[.index2]]" }, { CMD_PREV, "prev", 2, NULL }, { CMD_QUIT, "quit", 1, NULL }, { CMD_RESET, "reset", 4, NULL }, { CMD_RESUME, "resume", 4, NULL }, { CMD_SET, "set", 2, "msf | lba" }, { CMD_SHUFFLE, "shuffle", 2, NULL }, { CMD_SINGLE, "single", 2, "[]" }, { CMD_SKIP, "skip", 2, NULL }, { CMD_STATUS, "status", 3, NULL }, { CMD_STOP, "stop", 3, NULL }, { CMD_VOLUME, "volume", 1, " |left|right|mute|mono|stereo" }, }; #define IOCTL_SIMPLE(fd, ctl) \ do { \ if (ioctl((fd), (ctl)) >= 0) { \ close(fd); \ fd = -1; \ } else \ warn("ioctl(" #ctl ")");\ } while (/* CONSTCOND */ 0) #define CDDA_SIZE 2352 #define CD_MAX_TRACK 99 /* largest 2 digit BCD number */ static struct cd_toc_entry toc_buffer[CD_MAX_TRACK + 1]; static const char *cdname; static int fd = -1; static int msf = 1; static int shuffle; static int interactive = 1; static int digital = 0; static int tbvalid = 0; static struct itimerval itv_timer; static struct { const char *auname; u_char *audata, *aubuf; int afd; int fpw; int lba_start, lba_end, lba_current; int lowat, hiwat, readseek, playseek; int playing, changed; int read_errors; } da; static History *hist; static HistEvent he; static EditLine *elptr; static int get_status(int *, int *, int *, int *, int *); static void help(void); static int info(void); static void lba2msf(u_long, u_int *, u_int *, u_int *); static u_int msf2lba(u_int, u_int, u_int); static int opencd(void); static int openaudio(void); static const char *parse(char *, int *); static int play(const char *, int); static int play_blocks(int, int); static int play_digital(u_int, u_int); static int play_msf(u_int, u_int, u_int, u_int, u_int, u_int); static int play_track(int, int, int, int); static int print_status(void); static void print_track(struct cd_toc_entry *); static const char *prompt(void); static int readaudio(int, int, int, u_char *); static int read_toc_entries(size_t); static int run(int, const char *); static int start_analog(void); static int start_digital(const char *); static int setvol(int, int); static void sig_timer(int); static int skip(int, int); static const char *strstatus(int); __dead static void usage(void); static void toc2msf(u_int, u_int *, u_int *, u_int *); static int toc2lba(u_int); static void addmsf(u_int *, u_int *, u_int *, u_int, u_int, u_int); int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *arg; char buf[80], *p; static char defdev[16]; int cmd, c; size_t len; char *line; const char *elline; int scratch; struct sigaction sa_timer; const char *use_digital = NULL; /* historical default */ cdname = getenv("MUSIC_CD"); if (cdname == NULL) cdname = getenv("CD_DRIVE"); if (cdname == NULL) cdname = getenv("DISC"); if (cdname == NULL) cdname = getenv("CDPLAY"); da.auname = getenv("AUDIODEV"); if (!da.auname) da.auname = getenv("SPEAKER"); if (!da.auname) da.auname = "/dev/sound"; use_digital = getenv("CDPLAY_DIGITAL"); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:f:h")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'a': da.auname = optarg; if (!use_digital) use_digital = ""; continue; case 'f': cdname = optarg; continue; case 'h': default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 0 && strcasecmp(*argv, "help") == 0) usage(); if (cdname == NULL) { snprintf(defdev, sizeof(defdev), "cd0%c", 'a' + getrawpartition()); cdname = defdev; } opencd(); da.afd = -1; sigemptyset(&sa_timer.sa_mask); sa_timer.sa_handler = sig_timer; sa_timer.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if (sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa_timer, NULL) < 0) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "sigaction()"); if (use_digital) start_digital(use_digital); if (argc > 0) { interactive = 0; for (p = buf; argc-- > 0; argv++) { len = strlen(*argv); if (p + len >= buf + sizeof(buf) - 1) usage(); if (p > buf) *p++ = ' '; strlcpy(p, *argv, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf)); p += len; } *p = '\0'; arg = parse(buf, &cmd); return (run(cmd, arg)); } setbuf(stdout, NULL); printf("Type `?' for command list\n\n"); hist = history_init(); history(hist, &he, H_SETSIZE, 100); /* 100 elt history buffer */ elptr = el_init(getprogname(), stdin, stdout, stderr); el_set(elptr, EL_EDITOR, "emacs"); el_set(elptr, EL_PROMPT, prompt); el_set(elptr, EL_HIST, history, hist); el_set(elptr, EL_SIGNAL, 1); el_source(elptr, NULL); for (;;) { line = NULL; arg = NULL; do { if (((elline = el_gets(elptr, &scratch)) != NULL) && (scratch != 0)){ history(hist, &he, H_ENTER, elline); line = strdup(elline); if (line != NULL) { arg = parse(line, &cmd); free(line); } } else { cmd = CMD_QUIT; fprintf(stderr, "\r\n"); arg = NULL; break; } } while (arg == NULL); if (run(cmd, arg) < 0) { if (fd != -1) close(fd); fd = -1; } } /*NOTREACHED*/ el_end(elptr); history_end(hist); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-a audio_device] [-f cd_device] [command ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* NOTREACHED */ } static void help(void) { const struct cmdtab *c, *mc; const char *s; int i, n; mc = cmdtab + sizeof(cmdtab) / sizeof(cmdtab[0]); for (c = cmdtab; c < mc; c++) { for (i = c->min, s = c->name; *s != '\0'; s++, i--) { n = (i > 0 ? toupper((unsigned char)*s) : *s); putchar(n); } if (c->args != NULL) printf(" %s", c->args); putchar('\n'); } printf( "\nThe word \"play\" is not required for the play commands.\n" "The plain target address is taken as a synonym for play.\n"); } static int start_digital(const char *arg) { int fpw, intv_usecs, hz_usecs, rv; fpw = atoi(arg); if (fpw > 0) da.fpw = fpw; else da.fpw = 5; da.read_errors = 0; /* real rate: 75 frames per second */ intv_usecs = 13333 * da.fpw; /* * interrupt earlier for safety, by a value which * doesn't hurt interactice response if we block * in the signal handler */ intv_usecs -= 50000; hz_usecs = (int)(1000000 / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)); if (intv_usecs < hz_usecs) { /* can't have a shorter interval, increase buffer size to compensate */ da.fpw += (hz_usecs - intv_usecs) / 13333; intv_usecs = hz_usecs; } da.aubuf = malloc(da.fpw * CDDA_SIZE); if (da.aubuf == NULL) { warn("Not enough memory for audio buffers"); return (1); } if (da.afd == -1 && !openaudio()) { warn("Cannot open audio device"); return (1); } itv_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = itv_timer.it_value.tv_sec = intv_usecs / 1000000; itv_timer.it_interval.tv_usec = itv_timer.it_value.tv_usec = intv_usecs % 1000000; rv = setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv_timer, NULL); if (rv == 0) { digital = 1; } else warn("setitimer in CMD_DIGITAL"); msf = 0; tbvalid = 0; return rv; } static int start_analog(void) { int rv; if (shuffle == 1) itv_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = itv_timer.it_value.tv_sec = 1; else itv_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = itv_timer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itv_timer.it_interval.tv_usec = itv_timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; digital = 0; rv = setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv_timer, NULL); free(da.audata); close(da.afd); da.afd = -1; return rv; } static int run(int cmd, const char *arg) { int l, r, rv; rv = 0; if (cmd == CMD_QUIT) { close(fd); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (fd < 0 && !opencd()) return (0); switch (cmd) { case CMD_INFO: rv = info(); break; case CMD_STATUS: rv = print_status(); break; case CMD_PAUSE: if (digital) { da.playing = 0; return (0); } else if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCPAUSE)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCPAUSE)"); break; case CMD_RESUME: if (digital) { da.playing = 1; return (0); } else if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCRESUME)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCRESUME)"); break; case CMD_STOP: if (digital) { da.playing = 0; return (0); } else { if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSTOP)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCSTOP)"); if (ioctl(fd, CDIOCALLOW) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCALLOW)"); } break; case CMD_RESET: tbvalid = 0; IOCTL_SIMPLE(fd, CDIOCRESET); return (0); case CMD_EJECT: tbvalid = 0; if (digital) da.playing = 0; if (shuffle) rv = run(CMD_SHUFFLE, NULL); if (ioctl(fd, CDIOCALLOW) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCALLOW)"); IOCTL_SIMPLE(fd, CDIOCEJECT); break; case CMD_CLOSE: if (ioctl(fd, CDIOCALLOW) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCALLOW)"); IOCTL_SIMPLE(fd, CDIOCCLOSE); if (interactive && fd == -1) opencd(); break; case CMD_PLAY: while (isspace((unsigned char)*arg)) arg++; rv = play(arg, 1); break; case CMD_PREV: rv = skip(-1, 1); break; case CMD_NEXT: rv = skip(1, 1); break; case CMD_SINGLE: if (interactive == 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "'single' valid only in interactive mode"); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case CMD_SHUFFLE: if (interactive == 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "`shuffle' valid only in interactive mode"); if (shuffle == 0) { if (digital == 0) { itv_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 1; itv_timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; itv_timer.it_value.tv_sec = 1; itv_timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv_timer, NULL) == 0) { if (cmd == CMD_SHUFFLE) { shuffle = 1; } else { while (isspace((unsigned char)*arg)) arg++; shuffle = -atoi(arg); } } } else shuffle = cmd == CMD_SINGLE ? -atoi(arg) : 1; /* if (shuffle) rv = skip(0, 1); */ } else { if (digital == 0) { itv_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itv_timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; itv_timer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itv_timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv_timer, NULL); } shuffle = 0; } if (shuffle < 0) printf("single track:\t%d\n", -shuffle); else printf("shuffle play:\t%s\n", (shuffle != 0) ? "on" : "off"); rv = 0; break; case CMD_DIGITAL: if (digital == 0) rv = start_digital(arg); else { warnx("Already in digital mode"); rv = 1; } break; case CMD_ANALOG: if (digital == 1) rv = start_analog(); else { warnx("Already in analog mode"); rv = 1; } break; case CMD_SKIP: if (!interactive) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "`skip' valid only in interactive mode"); if (!shuffle) warnx("`skip' valid only in shuffle mode"); else rv = skip(0, 1); break; case CMD_SET: tbvalid = 0; if (strcasecmp(arg, "msf") == 0) msf = 1; else if (strcasecmp(arg, "lba") == 0) msf = 0; else warnx("invalid command arguments"); break; case CMD_VOLUME: if (digital) { rv = 0; warnx("`volume' is ignored while in digital xfer mode"); } else if (strncasecmp(arg, "left", strlen(arg)) == 0) rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSETLEFT); else if (strncasecmp(arg, "right", strlen(arg)) == 0) rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSETRIGHT); else if (strncasecmp(arg, "mono", strlen(arg)) == 0) rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSETMONO); else if (strncasecmp(arg, "stereo", strlen(arg)) == 0) rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSETSTEREO); else if (strncasecmp(arg, "mute", strlen(arg)) == 0) rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSETMUTE); else { rv = 0; if (sscanf(arg, "%d %d", &l, &r) != 2) { if (sscanf(arg, "%d", &l) == 1) r = l; else { warnx("invalid command arguments"); break; } } rv = setvol(l, r); } break; case CMD_HELP: default: help(); rv = 0; break; } return (rv); } static int play(const char *arg, int fromuser) { int start, end, istart, iend, blk, len, relend; ssize_t rv; u_int n, tr1, tr2, m1, m2, s1, s2, f1, f2, tm, ts, tf; struct ioc_toc_header h; if (shuffle && fromuser) { warnx("`play' not valid in shuffle mode"); return (0); } if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOREADTOCHEADER, &h)) < 0) { warn("ioctl(CDIOREADTOCHEADER)"); return (int)(rv); } end = 0; istart = iend = 1; n = h.ending_track - h.starting_track + 1; rv = read_toc_entries((n + 1) * sizeof(struct cd_toc_entry)); if (rv < 0) return (int)(rv); if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0') { /* Play the whole disc */ return (play_track(h.starting_track, 1, h.ending_track, 99)); } if (strchr(arg, '#') != NULL) { /* Play block #blk [ len ] */ len = 0; if (2 != sscanf(arg, "#%d%d", &blk, &len) && 1 != sscanf(arg, "#%d", &blk)) goto Clean_up; if (len == 0) { len = toc2lba(n); } return (play_blocks(blk, len)); } if (strchr(arg, ':') != NULL) { /* * Play MSF m1:s1 [ .f1 ] [ m2:s2 [ .f2 ] ] * * Will now also undestand timed addresses relative * to the beginning of a track in the form... * * tr1 m1:s1[.f1] [[tr2] [m2:s2[.f2]]] */ relend = 1; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (8 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u %u %u:%u.%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1, &tr2, &m2, &s2, &f2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (7 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u %u %u:%u.%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &tr2, &m2, &s2, &f2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (7 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u %u %u:%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1, &tr2, &m2, &s2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (7 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u %u:%u.%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1, &m2, &s2, &f2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (6 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u %u:%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1, &m2, &s2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (6 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u %u:%u.%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &m2, &s2, &f2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (6 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u %u %u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1, &tr2, &m2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (6 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u %u %u:%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &tr2, &m2, &s2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (5 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u %u:%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &m2, &s2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (5 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u %u %u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &tr2, &m2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; relend=0; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (5 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u %u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1, &tr2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (4 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u %u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &tr2)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (4 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u.%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1, &f1)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; if (3 == sscanf(arg, "%u %u:%u", &tr1, &m1, &s1)) goto Play_Relative_Addresses; tr2 = m2 = s2 = f2 = f1 = 0; goto Try_Absolute_Timed_Addresses; Play_Relative_Addresses: if (!tr1) tr1 = 1; else if (tr1 > n) tr1 = n; toc2msf(tr1-1, &tm, &ts, &tf); addmsf(&m1, &s1, &f1, tm, ts, tf); toc2msf(tr1, &tm, &ts, &tf); if ((m1 > tm) || ((m1 == tm) && ((s1 > ts) || ((s1 == ts) && (f1 > tf))))) { warnx("Track %d is not that long.", tr1); return (0); } tr1--; /* XXXXX ???? */ if (!tr2) { if (relend) { tr2 = tr1; addmsf(&m2, &s2, &f2, m1, s1, f1); } else { tr2 = n; toc2msf(n, &m2, &s2, &f2); } } else { if (tr2 > n) { tr2 = n; m2 = s2 = f2 = 0; } else { if (relend) tr2--; toc2msf(tr2, &tm, &ts, &tf); addmsf(&m2, &s2, &f2, tm, ts, tf); } } toc2msf(n, &tm, &ts, &tf); if ((tr2 < n) && ((m2 > tm) || ((m2 == tm) && ((s2 > ts) || ((s2 == ts) && (f2 > tf)))))) { warnx("The playing time of the disc is not that long."); return (0); } return (play_msf(m1, s1, f1, m2, s2, f2)); Try_Absolute_Timed_Addresses: m2 = UINT_MAX; if (6 != sscanf(arg, "%d:%d.%d%d:%d.%d", &m1, &s1, &f1, &m2, &s2, &f2) && 5 != sscanf(arg, "%d:%d.%d%d:%d", &m1, &s1, &f1, &m2, &s2) && 5 != sscanf(arg, "%d:%d%d:%d.%d", &m1, &s1, &m2, &s2, &f2) && 3 != sscanf(arg, "%d:%d.%d", &m1, &s1, &f1) && 4 != sscanf(arg, "%d:%d%d:%d", &m1, &s1, &m2, &s2) && 2 != sscanf(arg, "%d:%d", &m1, &s1)) goto Clean_up; if (m2 == UINT_MAX) { if (msf) { m2 = toc_buffer[n].addr.msf.minute; s2 = toc_buffer[n].addr.msf.second; f2 = toc_buffer[n].addr.msf.frame; } else { lba2msf(toc_buffer[n].addr.lba, &tm, &ts, &tf); m2 = tm; s2 = ts; f2 = tf; } } return (play_msf(m1, s1, f1, m2, s2, f2)); } /* * Play track trk1 [ .idx1 ] [ trk2 [ .idx2 ] ] */ if (4 != sscanf(arg, "%d.%d%d.%d", &start, &istart, &end, &iend) && 3 != sscanf(arg, "%d.%d%d", &start, &istart, &end) && 3 != sscanf(arg, "%d%d.%d", &start, &end, &iend) && 2 != sscanf(arg, "%d.%d", &start, &istart) && 2 != sscanf(arg, "%d%d", &start, &end) && 1 != sscanf(arg, "%d", &start)) goto Clean_up; if (end == 0) end = n; return (play_track(start, istart, end, iend)); Clean_up: warnx("invalid command arguments"); return (0); } static void /*ARGSUSED*/ sig_timer(int sig) { int aulen, fpw; sigset_t anymore; sigpending(&anymore); if (sigismember(&anymore, SIGALRM)) return; if (digital) { if (!da.playing) return; if (da.changed) { da.lba_current = da.lba_start; da.changed = 0; } /* read frames into circular buffer */ fpw = da.lba_end - da.lba_current + 1; if (fpw > da.fpw) fpw = da.fpw; if (fpw > 0) { aulen = readaudio(fd, da.lba_current, fpw, da.aubuf); if (aulen > 0) { (void)write(da.afd, da.aubuf, aulen); da.lba_current += fpw; } } if (da.lba_current > da.lba_end) da.playing = 0; } if (shuffle) skip(0, 0); #if 0 sched_yield(); #endif setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv_timer, NULL); } static int skip(int dir, int fromuser) { char str[16]; int rv, trk, idx, m, s, f; struct ioc_toc_header h; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOREADTOCHEADER, &h)) < 0) { warn("ioctl(CDIOREADTOCHEADER)"); return (rv); } if ((rv = get_status(&trk, &idx, &m, &s, &f)) < 0) return (rv); if (dir == 0 || shuffle != 0) { if (fromuser || (rv != CD_AS_PLAY_IN_PROGRESS && rv != CD_AS_PLAY_PAUSED)) trk = shuffle < 0 ? (-shuffle) : (int)((h.starting_track + arc4random() % (h.ending_track - h.starting_track + 1))); else return (0); } else { trk += dir; if (trk > h.ending_track) trk = h.starting_track; else if(trk < h.starting_track) trk = h.ending_track; } if (shuffle) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d %d", trk, trk); else snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d", trk); return (play(str, 0)); } static const char * strstatus(int sts) { const char *str; switch (sts) { case CD_AS_AUDIO_INVALID: str = "invalid"; break; case CD_AS_PLAY_IN_PROGRESS: str = "playing"; break; case CD_AS_PLAY_PAUSED: str = "paused"; break; case CD_AS_PLAY_COMPLETED: str = "completed"; break; case CD_AS_PLAY_ERROR: str = "error"; break; case CD_AS_NO_STATUS: str = "not playing"; break; default: str = ""; break; } return (str); } static int print_status(void) { struct cd_sub_channel_info data; struct ioc_read_subchannel ss; int rv, trk, idx, m, s, f; struct ioc_vol v; if ((rv = get_status(&trk, &idx, &m, &s, &f)) >= 0) { printf("audio status:\t%s\n", strstatus(rv)); printf("current track:\t%d\n", trk); if (!digital) printf("current index:\t%d\n", idx); printf("position:\t%d:%02d.%02d\n", m, s, f); } else printf("audio status:\tno info available\n"); if (shuffle < 0) printf("single track:\t%d\n", -shuffle); else printf("shuffle play:\t%s\n", (shuffle != 0) ? "on" : "off"); if (digital) printf("digital xfer:\tto %s " "(%d frames per wakeup, %lld.%06lds period)\n", da.auname, da.fpw, (long long)itv_timer.it_interval.tv_sec, (long)itv_timer.it_interval.tv_usec); else printf("digital xfer:\toff\n"); bzero(&ss, sizeof(ss)); ss.data = &data; ss.data_len = sizeof(data); ss.address_format = msf ? CD_MSF_FORMAT : CD_LBA_FORMAT; ss.data_format = CD_MEDIA_CATALOG; if (!digital && ioctl(fd, CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL, &ss) >= 0) { printf("media catalog:\t%sactive", ss.data->what.media_catalog.mc_valid ? "" : "in"); if (ss.data->what.media_catalog.mc_valid && ss.data->what.media_catalog.mc_number[0]) printf(" (%.15s)", ss.data->what.media_catalog.mc_number); putchar('\n'); } else printf("media catalog:\tnone\n"); if (digital) return (0); if (ioctl(fd, CDIOCGETVOL, &v) >= 0) { printf("left volume:\t%d\n", v.vol[0]); printf("right volume:\t%d\n", v.vol[1]); } else { printf("left volume:\tnot available\n"); printf("right volume:\tnot available\n"); } ; return (0); } static int info(void) { struct ioc_toc_header h; int rc, i, n; if ((rc = ioctl(fd, CDIOREADTOCHEADER, &h)) < 0) { warn("ioctl(CDIOREADTOCHEADER)"); return (rc); } n = h.ending_track - h.starting_track + 1; rc = read_toc_entries((n + 1) * sizeof(struct cd_toc_entry)); if (rc < 0) return (rc); printf("track start duration block length type\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%5d ", toc_buffer[i].track); print_track(toc_buffer + i); } printf(" - "); /* Lead-out area */ print_track(toc_buffer + n); return (0); } static void lba2msf(u_long lba, u_int *m, u_int *s, u_int *f) { lba += 150; /* block start offset */ lba &= 0xffffff; /* negative lbas use only 24 bits */ *m = (u_int)(lba / (60 * 75)); lba %= (60 * 75); *s = (u_int)(lba / 75); *f = (u_int)(lba % 75); } static u_int msf2lba(u_int m, u_int s, u_int f) { return (((m * 60) + s) * 75 + f) - 150; } static void print_track(struct cd_toc_entry *e) { int block, next, len; u_int m, s, f; if (msf) { /* Print track start */ printf("%2d:%02d.%02d ", e->addr.msf.minute, e->addr.msf.second, e->addr.msf.frame); block = msf2lba((u_int)e->addr.msf.minute, (u_int)e->addr.msf.second, (u_int)e->addr.msf.frame); } else { block = e->addr.lba; lba2msf(block, &m, &s, &f); /* Print track start */ printf("%2d:%02d.%02d ", m, s, f); } if (e->track > CD_MAX_TRACK) { /* lead-out area -- print block */ printf(" - %6d - lead-out\n", block); return; } if (msf) next = msf2lba((u_int)e[1].addr.msf.minute, (u_int)e[1].addr.msf.second, (u_int)e[1].addr.msf.frame); else next = e[1].addr.lba; len = next - block; /* XXX: take into account the 150 frame start offset time */ /* XXX: this is a mis-use of lba2msf() because 'len' is a */ /* XXX: length in frames and not a LBA! */ lba2msf(len - 150, &m, &s, &f); /* Print duration, block, length, type */ printf("%2d:%02d.%02d %6d %6d %8s\n", m, s, f, block, len, (e->control & 4) ? "data" : "audio"); } static int play_track(int tstart, int istart, int tend, int iend) { struct ioc_play_track t; int rv; if (digital) { tstart--; if (msf) { return play_msf( (u_int)toc_buffer[tstart].addr.msf.minute, (u_int)toc_buffer[tstart].addr.msf.second, (u_int)toc_buffer[tstart].addr.msf.frame, (u_int)toc_buffer[tend].addr.msf.minute, (u_int)toc_buffer[tend].addr.msf.second, (u_int)toc_buffer[tend].addr.msf.frame); } else return play_digital(toc_buffer[tstart].addr.lba, toc_buffer[tend].addr.lba); } t.start_track = tstart; t.start_index = istart; t.end_track = tend; t.end_index = iend; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCPLAYTRACKS, &t)) < 0) { int oerrno = errno; if (errno == EINVAL && start_digital("") == 0) return play_track(tstart, istart, tend, iend); errno = oerrno; warn("ioctl(CDIOCPLAYTRACKS)"); } return (rv); } static int play_blocks(int blk, int len) { struct ioc_play_blocks t; int rv; t.blk = blk; t.len = len; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCPLAYBLOCKS, &t)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCPLAYBLOCKS"); return (rv); } static int play_digital(u_int start, u_int end) { da.lba_start = start; da.lba_end = --end; da.changed = da.playing = 1; if (!interactive) while (da.playing) sleep(1); return (0); } static int setvol(int left, int right) { struct ioc_vol v; int rv; v.vol[0] = left; v.vol[1] = right; v.vol[2] = 0; v.vol[3] = 0; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCSETVOL, &v)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCSETVOL)"); return (rv); } static int read_toc_entries(size_t len) { struct ioc_read_toc_entry t; int rv; t.address_format = msf ? CD_MSF_FORMAT : CD_LBA_FORMAT; t.starting_track = 0; t.data_len = (int)len; t.data = toc_buffer; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOREADTOCENTRYS, &t)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOREADTOCENTRYS)"); tbvalid = 1; return (rv); } static int play_msf(u_int start_m, u_int start_s, u_int start_f, u_int end_m, u_int end_s, u_int end_f) { struct ioc_play_msf a; int rv; if (digital) return (play_digital(msf2lba(start_m, start_s, start_f), msf2lba(end_m, end_s, end_f))); a.start_m = start_m; a.start_s = start_s; a.start_f = start_f; a.end_m = end_m; a.end_s = end_s; a.end_f = end_f; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCPLAYMSF, &a)) < 0) warn("ioctl(CDIOCPLAYMSF)"); return (rv); } static int get_status(int *trk, int *idx, int *min, int *sec, int *frame) { struct ioc_read_subchannel s; struct cd_sub_channel_info data; struct ioc_toc_header h; u_int mm, ss, ff; int rv; int i, n, rc; uint32_t lba; if (!tbvalid) { if ((rc = ioctl(fd, CDIOREADTOCHEADER, &h)) < 0) { warn("ioctl(CDIOREADTOCHEADER)"); return (rc); } n = h.ending_track - h.starting_track + 1; rc = read_toc_entries((n + 1) * sizeof(struct cd_toc_entry)); if (rc < 0) return (rc); } #define SWAPLBA(x) (msf?be32toh(x):(x)) if (digital && da.playing) { lba = da.lba_current + 150; for (i = 1; i < 99; i++) { if (lba < SWAPLBA(toc_buffer[i].addr.lba)) { lba -= SWAPLBA(toc_buffer[i - 1].addr.lba); *trk = i; break; } } lba2msf(lba - 150, &mm, &ss, &ff); *min = mm; *sec = ss; *frame = ff; *idx = 0; return CD_AS_PLAY_IN_PROGRESS; } bzero(&s, sizeof(s)); s.data = &data; s.data_len = sizeof(data); s.address_format = msf ? CD_MSF_FORMAT : CD_LBA_FORMAT; s.data_format = CD_CURRENT_POSITION; if ((rv = ioctl(fd, CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL, &s)) < 0) { warn("ioctl(CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL)"); return (rv); } *trk = s.data->what.position.track_number; *idx = s.data->what.position.index_number; if (msf) { *min = s.data->what.position.reladdr.msf.minute; *sec = s.data->what.position.reladdr.msf.second; *frame = s.data->what.position.reladdr.msf.frame; } else { lba2msf(s.data->what.position.reladdr.lba, &mm, &ss, &ff); *min = mm; *sec = ss; *frame = ff; } return (s.data->header.audio_status); } static const char * prompt(void) { return ("cdplay> "); } static const char * parse(char *buf, int *cmd) { const struct cmdtab *c, *mc; char *p, *q; size_t len; for (p = buf; isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++) continue; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*p) || (p[0] == '#' && isdigit((unsigned char)p[1]))) { *cmd = CMD_PLAY; return (p); } for (buf = p; *p != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++) continue; if ((len = p - buf) == 0) return (0); if (*p != '\0') { /* It must be a spacing character! */ *p++ = 0; for (q = p; *q != '\0' && *q != '\n' && *q != '\r'; q++) continue; *q = 0; } *cmd = -1; mc = cmdtab + sizeof(cmdtab) / sizeof(cmdtab[0]); for (c = cmdtab; c < mc; c++) { /* Is it an exact match? */ if (strcasecmp(buf, c->name) == 0) { *cmd = c->command; break; } /* Try short hand forms then... */ if (len >= c->min && strncasecmp(buf, c->name, len) == 0) { if (*cmd != -1 && *cmd != (int)c->command) { warnx("ambiguous command"); return (0); } *cmd = c->command; } } if (*cmd == -1) { warnx("invalid command, enter ``help'' for commands"); return (0); } while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; return (p); } static int opencd(void) { char devbuf[80]; if (fd > -1) return (1); fd = opendisk(cdname, O_RDONLY, devbuf, sizeof(devbuf), 0); if (fd < 0) { if (errno == ENXIO) { /* * ENXIO has an overloaded meaning here. The * original "Device not configured" should be * interpreted as "No disc in drive %s". */ warnx("no disc in drive %s", devbuf); return (0); } err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", devbuf); } return (1); } static int openaudio(void) { audio_info_t ai; audio_encoding_t ae; int rc, aei; if (da.afd > -1) return (1); da.afd = open(da.auname, O_WRONLY); if (da.afd < 0) { warn("openaudio"); return (0); } AUDIO_INITINFO(&ai); ae.index = 0; aei = -1; rc = ioctl(da.afd, AUDIO_GETENC, &ae); do { if (ae.encoding == AUDIO_ENCODING_SLINEAR_LE && ae.precision == 16) aei = ae.index; ae.index++; rc = ioctl(da.afd, AUDIO_GETENC, &ae); } while (rc == 0); if (aei == -1) { warn("No suitable audio encoding found!"); close(da.afd); da.afd = -1; return (0); } ai.mode = AUMODE_PLAY_ALL; ai.play.sample_rate = 44100; ai.play.channels = 2; ai.play.precision = 16; ai.play.encoding = AUDIO_ENCODING_SLINEAR_LE; ai.blocksize = 0; rc = ioctl(da.afd, AUDIO_SETINFO, &ai); if (rc < 0) { warn("AUDIO_SETINFO"); close(da.afd); da.afd = -1; return (0); } return (1); } static int readaudio(int afd, int lba, int blocks, u_char *data) { struct scsireq sc; int rc; memset(&sc, 0, sizeof(sc)); sc.cmd[0] = 0xBE; sc.cmd[1] = 1 << 2; sc.cmd[2] = ((u_int)lba >> 24) & 0xff; sc.cmd[3] = ((u_int)lba >> 16) & 0xff; sc.cmd[4] = ((u_int)lba >> 8) & 0xff; sc.cmd[5] = lba & 0xff; sc.cmd[6] = ((u_int)blocks >> 16) & 0xff; sc.cmd[7] = ((u_int)blocks >> 8) & 0xff; sc.cmd[8] = blocks & 0xff; sc.cmd[9] = 1 << 4; sc.cmd[10] = 0; sc.cmdlen = 12; sc.databuf = (caddr_t) data; sc.datalen = CDDA_SIZE * blocks; sc.senselen = sizeof(sc.sense); sc.flags = SCCMD_READ; sc.timeout = 10000; /* 10s */ rc = ioctl(afd, SCIOCCOMMAND, &sc); if (rc < 0 || sc.retsts != SCCMD_OK) { if (da.read_errors < 10) { warnx("scsi cmd failed: retsts %d status %d", sc.retsts, sc.status); } da.read_errors++; return -1; } return CDDA_SIZE * blocks; } static void toc2msf(u_int i, u_int *m, u_int *s, u_int *f) { struct cd_toc_entry *ctep; assert(i <= CD_MAX_TRACK); ctep = &toc_buffer[i]; if (msf) { *m = ctep->addr.msf.minute; *s = ctep->addr.msf.second; *f = ctep->addr.msf.frame; } else { lba2msf(ctep->addr.lba, m, s, f); } } static int toc2lba(u_int i) { struct cd_toc_entry *ctep; assert(i > 0); assert(i <= CD_MAX_TRACK); ctep = &toc_buffer[i-1]; if (msf) { return msf2lba( (u_int)ctep->addr.msf.minute, (u_int)ctep->addr.msf.second, (u_int)ctep->addr.msf.frame); } else { return (ctep->addr.lba); } } static void addmsf(u_int *m, u_int *s, u_int *f, u_int m2, u_int s2, u_int f2) { *f += f2; if (*f > 75) { *s += *f / 75; *f %= 75; } *s += s2; if (*s > 60) { *m += *s / 60; *s %= 60; } *m += m2; }