/* $NetBSD: ldp_command.c,v 1.14 2013/08/02 07:29:56 kefren Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Mihai Chelaru * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "label.h" #include "ldp.h" #include "ldp_command.h" #include "ldp_errors.h" #include "ldp_peer.h" #include "socketops.h" struct com_sock csockets[MAX_COMMAND_SOCKETS]; extern int ldp_hello_time, ldp_keepalive_time, ldp_holddown_time, min_label, max_label, debug_f, warn_f; #define writestr(soc, str) write(soc, str, strlen(str)) #define MAXSEND 1024 char sendspace[MAXSEND]; static void send_prompt(int); static void send_pwd_prompt(int); static int command_match(struct com_func*, int, char*, char*); static int verify_root_pwd(char *); static void echo_on(int s); static void echo_off(int s); /* Main functions */ static int show_func(int, char *); static int set_func(int, char *); static int exit_func(int, char *); /* Show functions */ static int show_debug(int, char *); static int show_hellos(int, char *); static int show_parameters(int, char *); static int show_version(int, char *); static int show_warning(int, char *); /* Set functions */ static int set_hello_time(int, char *); static int set_debug(int, char *); static int set_warning(int, char *); static struct com_func main_commands[] = { { "show", show_func }, { "set", set_func }, { "quit", exit_func }, { "exit", exit_func }, { "", NULL } }; static struct com_func show_commands[] = { { "neighbours", show_neighbours }, { "bindings", show_bindings }, { "debug", show_debug }, { "hellos", show_hellos }, { "labels", show_labels }, { "parameters", show_parameters }, { "version", show_version }, { "warning", show_warning }, { "", NULL } }; struct com_func set_commands[] = { { "debug", set_debug }, { "hello-time", set_hello_time }, { "warning", set_warning }, { "", NULL } }; static int verify_root_pwd(char *pw) { struct passwd *p; if ((p = getpwuid(0)) == NULL) return 0; if (strcmp(crypt(pw, p->pw_passwd), p->pw_passwd)) return 0; return 1; } void init_command_sockets() { int i; for (i = 0; isocket, recvspace, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, MSG_PEEK); if (r < 0) { command_close(cs->socket); return; } recv(cs->socket, recvspace, r, MSG_WAITALL); if (r < 3) { /*at least \r\n */ if (cs->auth) { /*writestr(cs->socket, "Unknown command. Use ? for help\n");*/ send_prompt(cs->socket); } else { writestr(cs->socket, "Bad password\n"); command_close(cs->socket); } return; } recvspace[r - 2] = '\0'; if (!cs->auth) { if (verify_root_pwd(recvspace)) { echo_on(cs->socket); cs->auth = 1; writestr(cs->socket, "\n"); send_prompt(cs->socket); } else { echo_on(cs->socket); writestr(cs->socket, "Bad password\n"); command_close(cs->socket); } return; } strsep(&nextc, " "); command_match(main_commands, cs->socket, recvspace, nextc); } void command_close(int s) { int i; for (i=0; i "); } static void send_pwd_prompt(int s) { echo_off(s); writestr(s, "Password: "); } static void echo_off(int s) { char iac_will_echo[3] = { 0xff, 0xfb, 0x01 }, bf[32]; write(s, iac_will_echo, sizeof(iac_will_echo)); read(s, bf, sizeof(bf)); } static void echo_on(int s) { char iac_wont_echo[3] = { 0xff, 0xfc, 0x01 }, bf[32]; write(s, iac_wont_echo, sizeof(iac_wont_echo)); read(s, bf, sizeof(bf)); } /* * Matching function * Returns 1 if matched anything */ static int command_match(struct com_func *cf, int s, char *orig, char *next) { size_t i, len; int last_match = -1; const char *msg = NULL; if (orig == NULL || orig[0] == '\0') goto out; if (!strcmp(orig, "?")) { for (i = 0; cf[i].func != NULL; i++) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "\t%s\n", cf[i].com); writestr(s, sendspace); } goto out; } len = strlen(orig); for (i = 0; cf[i].func != NULL; i++) { if (strncasecmp(orig, cf[i].com, len) == 0) { if (last_match != -1) { msg = "Ambiguous"; goto out; } else last_match = i; } } if (last_match == -1) { msg = "Unknown"; goto out; } if (cf[last_match].func(s, next) != 0) send_prompt(s); return 1; out: if (msg) { writestr(s, msg); writestr(s, " command. Use ? for help\n"); } send_prompt(s); return 0; } /* * Main CLI functions */ static int set_func(int s, char *recvspace) { char *nextc = recvspace; if (recvspace == NULL || recvspace[0] == '\0') { writestr(s, "Unknown set command. Use set ? for help\n"); return 1; } strsep(&nextc, " "); command_match(set_commands, s, recvspace, nextc); return 0; } static int show_func(int s, char *recvspace) { char *nextc = recvspace; if (recvspace == NULL || recvspace[0] == '\0') { writestr(s, "Unknown show command. Use show ? for help\n"); return 1; } strsep(&nextc, " "); command_match(show_commands, s, recvspace, nextc); return 0; } static int exit_func(int s, char *recvspace) { command_close(s); return 0; } /* * Show functions */ int show_neighbours(int s, char *recvspace) { struct ldp_peer *p; struct ldp_peer_address *wp; struct sockaddr_in ssin; socklen_t sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int enc; socklen_t enclen = sizeof(enc); SLIST_FOREACH(p, &ldp_peer_head, peers) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "LDP peer: %s\n", inet_ntoa(p->ldp_id)); writestr(s, sendspace); snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Transport address: %s\n", satos(p->transport_address)); writestr(s, sendspace); snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Next-hop address: %s\n", satos(p->address)); writestr(s, sendspace); snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "State: %s\n", ldp_state_to_name(p->state)); writestr(s, sendspace); if (p->state == LDP_PEER_ESTABLISHED) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Since: %s", ctime(&p->established_t)); writestr(s, sendspace); } snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Holdtime: %d\nTimeout: %d\n", p->holdtime, p->timeout); writestr(s, sendspace); switch(p->state) { case LDP_PEER_CONNECTING: case LDP_PEER_CONNECTED: case LDP_PEER_ESTABLISHED: if (getsockname(p->socket,(struct sockaddr *) &ssin, &sin_len)) break; if (getsockopt(p->socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_MD5SIG, &enc, &enclen) == 0) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Authenticated: %s\n", enc != 0 ? "YES" : "NO"); writestr(s, sendspace); } snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND,"Socket: %d\nLocal %s:%d\n", p->socket, inet_ntoa(ssin.sin_addr), ntohs(ssin.sin_port)); writestr(s, sendspace); if (getpeername(p->socket,(struct sockaddr *) &ssin, &sin_len)) break; snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Remote %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(ssin.sin_addr), ntohs(ssin.sin_port)); writestr(s, sendspace); } snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND,"Addresses bounded to this peer: "); writestr(s, sendspace); SLIST_FOREACH(wp, &p->ldp_peer_address_head, addresses) { /* XXX: TODO */ if (wp->address.sa.sa_family != AF_INET) continue; snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "%s ", inet_ntoa(wp->address.sin.sin_addr)); writestr(s, sendspace); } sendspace[0] = sendspace[1] = '\n'; write(s, sendspace, 2); } return 1; } /* Shows labels grabbed from unsolicited label maps */ int show_labels(int s, char *recvspace) { struct ldp_peer *p; struct label_mapping *lm = NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(p, &ldp_peer_head, peers) { if (p->state != LDP_PEER_ESTABLISHED) continue; while ((lm = ldp_peer_lm_right(p, lm)) != NULL) { char lma[256]; /* XXX: TODO */ if (lm->address.sa.sa_family != AF_INET) continue; strlcpy(lma, inet_ntoa(lm->address.sin.sin_addr), sizeof(lma)); snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "%s:%d\t%s/%d\n", inet_ntoa(p->ldp_id), lm->label, lma, lm->prefix); writestr(s, sendspace); } } return 1; } int show_bindings(int s, char *recvspace) { struct label *l = NULL; snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Local label\tNetwork\t\t\t\tNexthop\n"); writestr(s, sendspace); while((l = label_get_right(l)) != NULL) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "%d\t\t%s/", l->binding, satos(&l->so_dest.sa)); writestr(s, sendspace); snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "%s", satos(&l->so_pref.sa)); writestr(s, sendspace); if (l->p) snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "\t%s:%d\n", satos(l->p->address), l->label); else snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "\n"); writestr(s, sendspace); } return 1; } static int show_debug(int s, char *recvspace) { if (recvspace) { writestr(s, "Invalid command\n"); return 1; } snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Debug: %s\n", debug_f ? "YES" : "NO"); writestr(s, sendspace); return 1; } static int show_hellos(int s, char *recvspace) { struct hello_info *hi; SLIST_FOREACH(hi, &hello_info_head, infos) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "ID: %s\nKeepalive: %ds\nTransport address: %s\n\n", inet_ntoa(hi->ldp_id), hi->keepalive, hi->transport_address.sa.sa_family != 0 ? satos(&hi->transport_address.sa) : "None"); writestr(s, sendspace); } return 1; } static int show_parameters(int s, char *recvspace) { snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "LDP ID: %s\nProtocol version: %d\n" "Hello time: %d\nKeepalive time: %d\nHoldtime: %d\n" "Minimum label: %d\nMaximum label: %d\n", my_ldp_id, LDP_VERSION, ldp_hello_time, ldp_keepalive_time, ldp_holddown_time, min_label, max_label); writestr(s, sendspace); return 1; } static int show_version(int s, char *recvspace) { if (recvspace) { /* Nothing more after this */ writestr(s, "Invalid command\n"); return 1; } snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "NetBSD LDP daemon version: %s\n", LDPD_VER); writestr(s, sendspace); return 1; } static int show_warning(int s, char *recvspace) { if (recvspace) { writestr(s, "Invalid command\n"); return 1; } snprintf(sendspace, MAXSEND, "Warnings: %s\n", warn_f ? "YES" : "NO"); writestr(s, sendspace); return 1; } /* Set commands */ static int set_hello_time(int s, char *recvspace) { if (!recvspace || atoi(recvspace) < 1) { writestr(s, "Invalid timeout\n"); return 1; } ldp_hello_time = atoi(recvspace); return 1; } static int set_debug(int s, char *recvspace) { if (!recvspace || atoi(recvspace) < 0) { writestr(s, "Invalid command\n"); return 1; } debug_f = atoi(recvspace); return 1; } static int set_warning(int s, char *recvspace) { if (!recvspace || atoi(recvspace) < 0) { writestr(s, "Invalid command\n"); return 1; } warn_f = atoi(recvspace); return 1; }